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2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
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Last modified
5/24/2018 1:46:48 PM
Creation date
5/10/2018 8:58:35 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br /> April 18, 2018 —Draft Minutes <br /> Page 13of16 <br /> Chair Holub commented she also thought the HRIEC was to determine what was done for the <br /> parade by the group of Commissions. This might include t-shirts or developing a theme. Ms. <br /> Olson agreed. <br /> Chair Holub requested suggestions on what they should do in the parade. <br /> The Commission recalled what had been done in the past and noted they had a large banner and <br /> signs for each Commission. <br /> Youth Commissioner Iverson inquired how many people from each Commission will be in the <br /> parade. <br /> Commissioner Peterson noted there were a total of 5 people in addition to the HRIEC that <br /> participated. <br /> Commissioner Bolinger suggested each Commission design their own t-shirts. <br /> Ms. Olson stated timing may be an issue since Commissions only meet once a month and will <br /> only meet twice before the parade. <br /> Commissioner Beltmann suggested they do what was done last year because of timing. They can <br /> incorporate new ideas into the planning for 2019. <br /> The Commission agreed. <br /> Ms. Olson noted staff can coordinate with other Commission liaisons regarding t-shirts needed <br /> and Commissioner Manke can help with the ordering process. <br /> Commissioner Peterson suggested they do another survey after the event in an attempt to gather <br /> feedback. <br /> Chair Holub noted they will have to buy candy and suggested they have the Mayor send an invite <br /> to Commissioners again this year. <br /> Chair Holub explained Parry in the Park and what was done at this event in previous years. She <br /> suggested they include information from the Fire Department. <br /> Ms. Olson mentioned they could have a survey to better understand how people want to be <br /> engaged but cautioned there are a lot of people who attend that are not residents of Roseville. <br /> Commissioner Bolinger suggested the survey be short and if completed, it could be entered into a <br /> drawing. <br /> Commissioner Beltmann inquired if there are City departments looking for other information. <br />
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