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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 37. 1992 <br />Note t Surtmarv of Si9nificant Atcounting Polities (Continued) <br />The goverrment reports deferred revenue on its combined haLance sheet. Deferred revenues arise when a potentiat <br />revenue does not meet both the "measurable" and "availeble" criteria for recognition in the current period. <br />Deferred revenues also arise uhen resources are received by the goverrvnent before it has e legal claim to them <br />es when grant monies ere received prior to the incurrence of qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods <br />when both revenue recognition triteria are met or when the goverrment has e legal ctaim to the resources the <br />liability for deferred revenue is removed fran the tombined balance sheet arxl revenue is recognized. <br />Expenditures are generelty recognized tmder the modified accrual basis of accounting when the retated <br />fund liability is incurred except for principat and interest on generat long-term debt which is recognized <br />when due and ecnmulated unpaid vecation erd compensetory time off uhieh ere recognized when paid. <br />E. Budgets and Budgetary Aecounting <br />The City adopts en annual budget for the Generet and Special Revenue furds uhich ere prepared on the modified <br />accruel besis of accounting. The edopted budget inditates the amount that can be expended by each fund besed <br />on detaited bud9et estimates for individual expenditure accounts. Management mey make budget moditicetions <br />uithin the fund level. Atl bud9et revisions at the fund level must be authorized by the City Council at the <br />request of the City Maneger. The Councit under Ninnesota State Statutes Section 412.737 cen modify or amend the <br />budget if unappropriated funds are available. Bud9et modificetion at the fund levet was necessary in 7992. The <br />general fund uas amended dounuerd by the amount of 5134,105. AlL supplementat appropriations uere financed <br />either by transfers fran the Contin9ency Section of the Generel Furd bud9et or by revenues received in excess <br />of the lwdgeted amounts. Budget reductions were atcaiplished by reducing selected line items in seletted <br />departments. All bud9et amounts lepse et the end of the year to the extent they have not been expended. The <br />level uhith expenditures mey not tegalty exceed approprietions is at the fund level. <br />F. Assets, Liabilities and Fund Eq�ity <br />Investments - City investments ere carried et cost, uhich approximates merket. ( See note 3 for disctosures <br />relating to tash management and investments.) Investments reported in the deferred conpensetion plen ere <br />reported by the plen's trustees at merket velue. <br />Procertv Texes - Property tax levies ere set by the City Countil in Detenber each year ard are certified to the <br />County for collection the following year. !n Minnesota, counties ett es collection agents for all property <br />taxes. <br />The County spreads the levies over ell taxeble property in the City. Such taxes become receivebles of the City <br />es of January 1. <br />Property taxes are payabLe in equal installments by property ouners to the County es follows: <br />Perso�al propercy - February 28 end June 30 <br />Real property - Mey 75 and October 15 . <br />The County remits the collections to the City end other taxing districts four times e year, on or before January <br />20, April 19, July 5, end December 4. <br />Property tax revenue is recorded when it becomes meesurable end aveilable. Texes due fran Ramsey County on <br />December 31, 1992, are included in 1992 revenue. � <br />Unpaid taxes at Decenber 31 become liens on the respective property ard are ctessified in the finencial <br />statertients as delinquent texes receivable. The receivable is fully offset by deferred revenue es it is not <br />evailable to finance current expenditures. <br />Taxes payable on homestead property (as defined by State statutes> ere pertielly reduced by e hanestead and <br />agritultural eid (HACA). This eid is paid to the City by the State in tieu of taxes Levied egainst hanestead <br />property. The State remits this eid in to equal instellments in July end Decenber eech year. <br />Fixed Assets - General fixed assets are not cepitalized in the funds used to ecquire or construct them. Instead, <br />capital acquisition ard conscruction ere reflected es expenditures in goverrvnentat funds, end the releted assets <br />ere reported in the general fixed essets account group. All purchased fixed assets ere velued at cost where <br />historicel records ere available and at en estimated historical cost uhere no historicat records exist. <br />Donsted fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair merket value on the date received. <br />32 <br />