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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Mr. Lloyd stated for clarification, Lots 1 and 2 already exist and the large parcel <br /> that exists today would become Lots 3-5. The proposed plat would include two <br /> more residential parcels than are present today. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. He noted there was a <br /> public hearing held before the Planning Commission at their August 1, 2018 <br /> meeting where this item was discussed. <br /> Etten moved, Laliberte seconded, to approve the proposed preliminary Midland <br /> Crest plat of the residential property at 2237 Cleveland Avenue and the two adja- <br /> cent parcels to the north, based on the content of this RCA, the public record, and <br /> City Council deliberation, with the condition that park dedication payment of <br /> $8,000 in lieu of park land shall be delivered to the City before an approved final <br /> plat will be released for filing at Ramsey County. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten stated this meets all their requirements so he did not know <br /> how they could deny this request. His only concern was with how the BMPs <br /> would be maintained. He stated he was supportive of this motion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred that this meets all the requirements they have <br /> and there have been several subdivisions in this area over the last several years so <br /> while there are still some large lots, more often than not this is in line with some <br /> of the new lot sizes that have been created. <br /> Councilmember McGehee indicated she opposed this because she felt as a Coun- <br /> cil they have failed. The Council says they want to have diverse neighborhoods <br /> and housing stock. This is a unique neighborhood, and one such division has al- <br /> ready been allowed. She defied anyone to drive by there and not think this is an <br /> unattractive addition to this neighborhood. If what they want is to become a St. <br /> Paul or Minneapolis, then they should keep chopping things up without an overall <br /> plan. <br /> Councilmember McGehee explained there was a plan put forward, for example, <br /> both Bloomington and Edina have a program where the lot size is based on the <br /> median lot size within 500 feet. If they did that across Roseville, they would in <br /> fact be able to maintain some of the integrity of lot size and character within the <br /> neighborhoods they have now. She stated neighborhood character is very im- <br /> portant and in this particular area, they have more driveways on the curve and this <br /> is an area with a lot of water problems. There are water problems on the two lots <br /> that have not yet been built, water problems on the lot right behind there, and now <br /> they are putting in an outlot that they have to maintain. There will be more traffic <br /> on a blind curve and it will cause a huge reduction in trees. There is a lot of pol- <br /> lution and a lot of noise that is taken care of by the fact of it being heavily wood- <br /> ed. She stated what the Council is saying is that they do not care about the neigh- <br />