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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2018 <br /> Page 18 <br /> borhood, and they don't care about the character of neighborhoods in general. <br /> She thought the Planning Commission was exactly right on this and thought there <br /> was a feeling of neighborhood character. <br /> Councilmember McGehee brought up a memo that went to the Council in 2006 <br /> suggesting the Council look at items of neighborhood character and posing some <br /> questions about what that would mean. Certainly, the cities that have done this <br /> put some value on having diverse neighborhoods. She felt the Council says they <br /> do but they don't take any action to make that happen and are perfectly within <br /> their rights not to allow this for the same reasons that they are stating there or the <br /> reasons of health, safety, and welfare for that entire area. She noted when they <br /> clear cut all of those lots, they are impacting all of the property values because all <br /> of the screening and buffering is provided to that entire internal subdivision. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thought they had plenty of findings to leave it with the <br /> two lots that are there and the third larger lot. She thought this was another policy <br /> issue that they should look at and how are they going to, going forward, maintain <br /> some sort of growth pattern and neighborhood integrity because if they don't, <br /> they are just going to have accessory buildings and small and smaller lots that will <br /> become more uniform. She stated that is really not what the people of Roseville <br /> have said they want. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recognized and understood Councilmember McGehee's <br /> perspective on this, noting the thing that does carry the day is their Zoning Code <br /> and standards relating to that Zoning Code. This individual has come forward <br /> with an application that meets the Code in all aspects and he believed that this <br /> City would be hard pressed to defend their action should they deny this, and if the <br /> applicant pressed forward, he believed they would be granted their plat. He <br /> thought the issue regarding characteristic of a neighborhood with respect to a de- <br /> nial of zoning change and approval of a plat would be difficult for the City to de- <br /> fend. Going back to 2006, there were conversations that occurred primarily in <br /> this area about large lot districts, things like that, and nothing ever came of those, <br /> so this is what they have. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he is a pretty big fan of trees and leaving trees. <br /> Some of the heritage trees on the site will be removed due to poor condition, <br /> health and/or for drainage and ponding. The preliminary tree plan saves 32 trees, <br /> cuts 28, and about 75% of the 28 are diseased in some way or already dead. He <br /> thought this lot is fairly open and does not have a huge tree coverage. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she did think that neighborhood character is <br /> important; however, absent Roseville taking the steps that Bloomington and Edina <br /> have taken, she also thought the City would be hard pressed to defend. She stated <br /> she was open to exactly what Councilmember McGehee described as something <br /> that this Council looks towards in the future. <br />