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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2018 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she would be delighted for that to come forward <br /> and thought it was long overdue. <br /> Mayor Roe explained the City did adopt a moratorium in 2006-2010 timeframe <br /> and took six months to study this issue and the conclusion of that process was not <br /> to create that type of standards around neighborhood character. The Bloomington <br /> and Edina examples were brought into the conversation at that time and the <br /> choice was made to not take action. He stated that does not mean something <br /> couldn't be done now. <br /> Mayor Roe stated something that helps mitigate sound is the addition of build- <br /> ings, not trees in the area. That does mitigate some of the impacts in terms of <br /> sound. And, as stated before, grounds for not approving this are not there so be- <br /> cause it meets their standards, the Council would want to go ahead and approve it. <br /> He thought the variety of the neighborhood is made up of a lot of different lot siz- <br /> es. He indicated because this meets the City's standards, he would support the <br /> motion to approve the preliminary plat. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: McGehee <br /> d. Consider a Request by Roseville Centre Lodging, LLC for a Planned Unit <br /> Development Final Plan approval to support a hotel at 3015 Centre Point <br /> Drive <br /> City Planner Paschke briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA and re- <br /> lated attachments dated August 27, 2018. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Etten moved, Laliberte seconded, enactment of Ordinance No. 1564 (Attachment <br /> D) entitled, "An Ordinance Amending the Center Pointe Planned Unit Develop- <br /> ment, Ordinance#1177, to Allow a Fourth Hotel." <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten stated this fits the list of uses in the PUD and is a good im- <br /> provement to some previous possibilities. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred. <br /> Mayor Roe asked staff if they met the ten-day Ordinance adoption notice re- <br /> quirement. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon indicated they did. <br />