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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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3/15/2019 2:57:17 PM
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1/11/2019 1:13:18 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2018 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 9of 14 <br />359 Commissioner Djevi stated if there are areas of people in the community that the City <br />360 wants to reach out to then the City has a duty to reach out to them and get input from <br />361 them. He thought the Commission has been doing a lot of talking but not a lot of <br />362 doing for a Community Engagement Commission and that is getting to be boring. <br />363 <br />364 Vice Chair Peterson stated going back to the goal, the Commission did discuss prior, <br />365 what the overall goal of this project was and from what she understood, it was to <br />366 create an engagement tool kit that could be distributed to the Departments within the <br />367 City to really make sure the engagement is being done in the best way possible. <br />368 <br />369 Ms. Olson agreed. She stated this was a two-prong approach for the Commission to <br />370 bring the community voice to the Council. She thought what staff is currently doing <br />371 doesn’t always hit the mark,so the Commission needs to know what staff is doing <br />372 which is what the City Department survey was about, and the next piece is to talk to <br />373 the community to find out how to get the community engaged and does the <br />374 community want to be engaged on. She did not think the intent of the survey given to <br />375 City Staff were the questions that were intended to ask the community. She thought <br />376 Commissioner Hassan’s suggestions were fantastic on different ways and then going <br />377 back to the piece on how to do the engagement. The Commission needs to start with <br />378 what is the goal and what is the aim. She thought the Commission’s next step is <br />379 finding out how to get the questions and information out to the community for their <br />380 feedback on engagement. She thought the Commission was on the right path. <br />381 <br />382 Commissioner Djevi stated in order to get community engagement started the City <br />383 needs to find activities that interest the different areas within the community which <br />384 will attract them to the process and in turn will create engagement. He stated when <br />385 he suggested to the Commission to have a diversity group walk in a parade, the City <br />386 will need to go into the community and engage them such as using traditional outfits, <br />387 something that excites the community to be a part of something that is a little bigger <br />388 than their own little world. As this is done over time the community will start to <br />389 becomemore engaged.The City needs to be creative and find things that excites <br />390 different people and use them to the City’s advantage. <br />391 <br />392 Vice Chair Peterson agreed. <br />393 <br />394 Commissioner Djevi stated last year there were four or five different diverse groups <br />395 that wanted to be a part of the parade. He stated this is an idea of having people <br />396 coming and joining in because it excites them and hopefully this will advance the <br />397 City’s agenda of inclusion. <br />398 <br />399 Ms. Olson stated discussing parade planning will be at the January 2019 meeting so <br />400 she thought the Commission could discuss how to include the diverse groups. <br />401 <br />402 Commissioner Eck stated she would like to combine a couple of points she has heard <br />403 discussed. Maybe the Commission could do some work at the meeting,but she was <br /> <br />
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