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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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3/15/2019 2:57:17 PM
Creation date
1/11/2019 1:13:18 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2018 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 10of 14 <br />404 notsure that was an acceptable format for a Commission to do. She liked <br />405 Commissioner Hassan’s idea of each Commissioner bringing someone each <br />406 Commissionerknows that is a representative of a community that is under <br />407 represented to a meeting or a separate additional meeting as the Commission pounds <br />408 out more details about the goals and specifics so the Commission can have their <br />409 perspective put into how the kit is built. <br />410 <br />411 Commissioner Djevi thought the Commission should identify leaders in communities <br />412 that the City wants to reach out to and have those people be the point people. The <br />413 City might not have direct access to individuals but if there are point people in those <br />414 communities then the City can reach out to them who then in turn will reach out to <br />415 their community. <br />416 <br />417 Commissioner Macomber liked the idea of connecting with the School District <br />418 because the Administrator might have contacts for the different communities. <br />419 Another place to contact is the Health Department because there are good contacts for <br />420 communities there as well and the Health Department has good strategies for <br />421 interacting with immigrant communities. <br />422 <br />423 Commissioner Eck thought identifying community leaders was a big goal that needed <br />424 to be accomplished. <br />425 <br />426 Commissioner Djevi asked when the Commission should start the second part of this <br />427 project and how can it be accomplished. He liked the idea of bringing people before <br />428 the Commission because it will add more feedback to the discussion, but he wondered <br />429 if there will be enough people at the meeting to do that. <br />430 <br />431 Commissioner Djevi asked what the Commissions goals are and how does the <br />432 Commission reach them. <br />433 <br />434 Ms. Olson thought some of this involves going to events that are put on in the <br />435 community and just being there,so the Commission is understanding whatis <br />436 happening in the community. Being present to get to know people. She indicated she <br />437 did not have all of the answers and not something that will have immediate answers. <br />438 She thought this will be an ongoing process and probably one that is continuous by <br />439 building relationships in the community. She thought the Commission could start <br />440 talking to people and start thinking about ideas on ways to engage the different <br />441 communities. <br />442 <br />443 Commissioner Eck thought the Commission needed to start with an overall goal and <br />444 then add two or three objectives after that. She thought questions needed to fit <br />445 underneath a goal. She thought more details were needed. She stated the <br />446 Commission cannot identify best practices or tactics under the research topic unless <br />447 the Commission knows what to go for. She stated those are very specific, measurable <br />448 terms. <br /> <br />
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