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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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1/11/2019 1:13:18 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2018 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 12of 14 <br />494 <br />495 Vice Chair Peterson thought last year the Commission struggled with some of the <br />496 analysis and evidence piece because often the students would list the definition and <br />497 not give any discussion behind it. <br />498 <br />499 Commissioner Iverson thought the problem was that the Commission did not ask the <br />500 students to elaborate. <br />501 <br />502 Ms. Olson stated the question does ask how the person would define bullying, so it is <br />503 not a dictionary definition. <br />504 <br />505 Commissioner Hansel thought it was a good idea to have the analysis and evidence <br />506 because there were some people that did elaborate on the definition and some people <br />507 just copy and paste. <br />508 <br />509 Commissioner Iverson agreed that the wording should be altered. <br />510 <br />511 Ms. Olson wondered if the wording of analysis and evidence of definition should be <br />512 changed. <br />513 <br />514 Vice Chair Peterson wondered if the Commission was ok with the second part of the <br />515 essay question. <br />516 <br />517 The Commission was ok with the rest of the essay question. <br />518 <br />519 Commissioner Hassan asked if there could be instructions to the students at the top of <br />520 the essay. <br />521 <br />522 Vice Chair Peterson stated instructions are included and no changes can be made this <br />523 year to the instructions or the question,but the instructions could be updated for next <br />524 year. <br />525 <br />526 Ms. Olson thought adding definitions to the rules for the next contest would be <br />527 helpful. <br />528 <br />529 Commissioner Macomber thought a statement that says, “Specific analysis and <br />530 evidence in support of the student’sdefinition will result in a higher score”.She <br />531 thought it was hard to score the essay on analysis on evidence when it was not asked. <br />532 <br />533 Ms. Olson thought it would be good to update the rules and give more instructions for <br />534 next year. <br />535 <br />536 Commissioner Iverson thought students who have valid opinions on the essay might <br />537 not necessarily communicate at the same level as other people so he did not think the <br />538 essays should be judged on grammar and spelling. <br /> <br />
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