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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/31/2019 3:04:11 PM
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1/31/2019 3:04:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 14, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Etten noted this contract will not last longer than two years. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated that was correct and stated if anywhere along the way the <br /> City is unhappy, there is an exit clause in the contract. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked staff for bringing forward the pricing. She as- <br /> sumed it was a belief the City did not have the time to do a full RFP process and <br /> staff was getting good feedback about one particular firm. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon confirmed that was correct. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated this is a lot of money for the City but the City <br /> does not hire a lobbyist all of the time. These are specific items the City is lobby- <br /> ing for so she was in favor of paying this firm to work and represent the City at <br /> the Capitol because someone really needs to be at the Capitol full time ushering <br /> these items through. Otherwise, the session will be over before anything can get <br /> done. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought this was good information to have as he was not <br /> aware of the costs. He noted the amount of money being asked is really not a big <br /> price as without a lobbyist, the City's chances of getting anything through the <br /> Legislative process is really slim. He thought this was money well spent. <br /> Mayor Roe stated as to the exit clause in the agreement, he assumed there would <br /> be a settlement as to how much work was done and what percentage of the overall <br /> costs were incurred and in line to pay. He wondered how that part might work. <br /> He also stated if the City decided to do a year-by-year contract with the firm, <br /> would it be $30,000 a year without having to do two years or how is that struc- <br /> tured. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated the contract is structured for two years, $30,000 each year. <br /> If the City only did one year the price would be different, presumably higher. <br /> Mayor Roe assumed the City used a lobbyist the for the federal funding the City <br /> received in 2009 and he wondered what was spent for that. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated that was the same firm that the City used in 2009 and that <br /> was on the federal level. According to the records, the City employed that firm <br /> for one month in the amount of$5,000 and the City was successful in getting the <br /> federal funding. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if Mr. Trudgeon could look into the exit clause. <br />
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