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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/31/2019 3:14:45 PM
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1/31/2019 3:11:20 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 7, 2019 <br /> Page 2 <br /> he was leaning towards stepping aside because in looking back at the prior terms and <br /> what he set out to accomplish, he felt largely that the Council had accomplished many of <br /> those things. It was not until very late in the process through outreach of supporters that <br /> really sparked the interest again and encouraged him to seek a third term. He stated their <br /> support throughout this process has been absolutely wonderful. The support of family <br /> and friends is wonderful. He stated Karen Schaeffer told him many years ago that these <br /> seats do not belong to the Council, the seats belong to the community and that is very true <br /> and he keeps that in mind with all his decisions. He very much appreciated the job of <br /> Councilmember and the past and current support and hopefully the future support. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon asked Mayor Dan Roe and his sister Rebecca to come forward to adminis- <br /> ter the Oath of Office. <br /> Ms. Rebecca Roe held the Bible for swearing in and Mr. Trudgeon administered the Oath <br /> of Office to Mayor Roe. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the audience for being at the ceremony and the residents of Roseville <br /> for their support over the last sixteen years of service at the end of this term. He stated he <br /> could not be the Mayor without the support, encouragement, and interaction with all of <br /> the people in the community. While there may not be agreement on every issue, there <br /> has always been a way to find some common way forward as a community. That is what <br /> has been seen through his time on the City Council and what he has seen in reflecting on <br /> the history of Roseville. He indicated Roseville is his adopted home and he did not grow <br /> up in the community, but this is the place he has lived the longest in his life and does feel <br /> like home to him which he attributes to the support he has had from the community. <br /> Mayor Roe echoed with what has been said regarding getting elected to these offices has <br /> been a lot of work, it does take a lot of thought, effort, a lot of people help out with that, <br /> and he could not have done it without his sisters and father. He wanted to make a com- <br /> ment about both his colleagues on the City Council, stating it has been a great group <br /> working together, he has appreciated the ability to work together over the past twelve <br /> years, and he is looking forward to Councilmember Groff joining that mix. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked City staff, stating he has been tremendously impressed with the staff <br /> at the City of Roseville during his tenure. He stated there have been very dedicated and <br /> professional staff that are interested in serving the community. <br /> Mayor Roe stated over the next four years, the City Council needs to finish the work on <br /> the funding of Roseville infrastructure going forward and thought that was a high priority <br /> for everyone in the community to make sure the infrastructure is taken care of and leave <br /> it in good shape for the generations to come. There are public safety and staffing needs <br /> the Council will need to look at over the coming year and the Council also has to imple- <br /> ment the Rice/Larpenteur vision plan which is a very important part of the community <br /> that for too long has not received the attention it deserves. Finally, a priority will be to <br /> continue the work begun to improve the engagement to all of Roseville's citizens and res- <br />
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