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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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2/1/2019 2:04:30 PM
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2/1/2019 1:56:27 PM
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Public Works Commission
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81 the Commission add to their future agenda looking into bringing in an expert to <br />82 discuss how the City can move forward to start reducing its carbon footprint. <br />83 <br />84 Ms. Morton indicated that would be excellent. She noted if there is volunteer work, <br />85 she would be willing to help. <br />86 <br />87 Member Misra asked Mr. Culver if staff encountered through meetings with other <br />88 City staff or other groups he attended on different topics, any discussion on climate <br />89 change specifically or is it not coming up. <br />90 Ask <br />91 Mr. Culver stated the engineering circles are looking at climate change, maybe not <br />92 from trying to advocate or implement energy use reduction or carbon offset but <br />93 engineering is talking about it from as climate change occurs how is that impacting <br />94 its infrastructure and how does the City manage it. He noted stormwater is one of <br />95 the key issues. He stated there has and continues to be a lot of discussion about <br />96 that. He did not know if it has gotten a lot of play locally, there has been some <br />97 agencies that have been implementing solar energy and geothermal, looking at <br />98 alternative energy sources. There are some cities t are moving towards electric <br />99 fleets where feasible and things like that. He th the trickiest thing is to inform <br />100 the residents and businesses anget them on track without some sort -of incentive. <br />101 <br />102 Member Misra thought the City was in the difficult situation by being the local <br />103 governmental unit. Had there been some sort of National effort taking place that <br />104 would have impacted the City to do some of those kinds of things, but it is very <br />105 hard to accomplish going from the bottom to the top. She did not know if there <br />106 were areas where as a City can participate in Met Council and other organizational <br />107 groups to take those opportunities to advocate for some sort of coalition of cities or <br />108 some sort of regional approach to keep the opportunity for conversation alive. <br />109 <br />110fhr Ciha ated there are pro some policy things the City can do. He <br />111ght suppo the Commission to advocate to the City Council is appropriate. <br />112 <br />113 Member Kruse thought the residents should also contact the State Representatives <br />114 and Stateenator because with the new Governor there is a lot of opportunity to do <br />115 things at tate level that can make a bigger impact. <br />116 <br />117 Chair Cihacek stated the Commission will take this topic up through future <br />118 education sessions and learning sessions in order to develop policy goals and bring <br />119 it forward to the City Council indicating this should be addressed at their policy <br />120 level. <br />121 <br />122 3. Approval of October 23, 2018 Meeting Minutes <br />123 Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by PWETC <br />124 commissioners prior to tonight's meeting and those revisions incorporated into the <br />125 draftpresented in meeting materials. <br />126 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />
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