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City Council Meeting Minutes
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2/13/2019 10:08:49 AM
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2/13/2019 10:08:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2019 <br /> Page 2 <br /> programs, procedures and has made significant efforts, particularly in the areas of <br /> policing to address the historical institutional inequities." to the Black History <br /> Month Proclamation before the 2019 theme Whereas clause. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he knew that the School Districts and City were <br /> working on this and in some ways, it holds the City accountable to continue that <br /> work and he wanted to acknowledge that as a part of this ongoing work. He <br /> thought it was important because of how much specific effort has happened in this <br /> area. <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed and thought one of the things the City is looking <br /> to do with the proclamations is to tie them to what is going on in Roseville and <br /> what the City could be doing. He also thought this was an acknowledgement of <br /> what the City is doing. He agreed whole heartedly with the effort that the two <br /> Public School Districts are making in this area as well and thought it was im- <br /> portant to call attention to those things. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought the statement was a good addition, but he would <br /> like to see whether members of the Human Rights Inclusion and Engagement <br /> Commission, who are at the meeting, would have any comments on this. He also <br /> thought if Councilmembers have that sort of thing, that it would be good to com- <br /> municate with the Commissions because the Commissions are the place where <br /> these items are worked on and a lot of work goes into these documents. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed to ask for the Commission's thoughts on this. He <br /> noted this proclamation was before him Thursday night and usually the proclama- <br /> tions come before the month or week so the Council could table this in order for <br /> the Commission to have a discussion regarding the addition or the Council could <br /> move it forward. He thought kicking this proclamation back would create an even <br /> weirder delay. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought this was something the Council wanted to <br /> acknowledge and take an action on before February. If this was kicked back to <br /> the HRIE Commission, he wondered what the timeline would be for approval. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought the HRIE Commission did not meet until February 20, <br /> which is pretty deep into February. <br /> Mayor Roe thought there was a little bit of compressed time frame and the Coun- <br /> cil did see the draft in the fall, but he wanted to open this up for comment and <br /> hoped this addition would be positive and can be seen that way. He asked if any- <br /> one from the HRIEC would like to comment on the proposed change. <br />
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