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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 11 <br /> f. Consider Police Commitment to Diversity Staffing Program <br /> Police Chief Rick Mathwig briefly highlighted this item as detailed in the RCA <br /> and related attachments dated February 11, 2019. <br /> Deputy Chief Scheider was also at the meeting to answer questions. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked in regard to a Cadet position, has it worked as a way <br /> to keep someone or if the person is deemed good enough for the Cadet position is <br /> the person really great enough for another full-time officer position and why <br /> would the person stay to be a Cadet. He wondered if that is a successful model or <br /> are these people so desirable and hirable that it is not really a useful step. <br /> Chief Mathwig stated the Police Department has a really small sample with one <br /> Cadet in recent history and that Cadet left Roseville Police Department for the <br /> DNR because that position was open before a police position was available in Ro- <br /> seville. He thought it was a step in the right direction. <br /> Councilmember Etten wondered if using the Cadet position as a way to keep a <br /> person was really a good way to keep them. <br /> Chief Mathwig stated it is not the most useful step to use a Cadet only to keep <br /> someone in the City that is a valuable employee. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated one of the things discussed at a meeting he had with <br /> the Police Department and City Staff was whether the dollars would be levied an- <br /> nually and whether the Police Department had someone or not. He noted that <br /> based on Attachment A in the packet, it indicates this would be funded each year <br /> with excess returned to the General Fund. He asked if this was something the Po- <br /> lice Department intended on doing. <br /> Chief Mathwig stated what the Police Department intended to do was to not ask <br /> for something that would not be needed in the next calendar year. He stated staff <br /> will work diligently to spec out when a CSO or Cadet is ready to go and be in <br /> consultation with Mr. Trudgeon to make sure the money is there. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted Attachment A was a part of the original presentation. In at- <br /> tachment D in the memorandum, the last bullet point states "These positions will <br /> be funded on an as-needed basis either through the annual budget or available <br /> funds in the department if need occurs during the year." The City would not au- <br /> tomatically put in funding for two additional positions in any budget process. On <br /> an annual basis, the City would look to see what the needs are and bring it for- <br /> ward for Council discussion and decision as needed. <br />