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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br /> the City. He thought the City did add the ability to do some variances related to <br /> vehicles but was not sure this one would qualify. <br /> Mr. Englund stated he was not sure but could look into that. <br /> Mr. Terry Syring, 2455 Dale Street <br /> Mr. Syring stated he has lived at his address for sixty-three years and feels the <br /> City is being unfair to him. He stated he built a garage to code with it being fif- <br /> teen feet off the property lines. He stated on the one side of the garage he put in <br /> asphalt for parking of his vehicles. He noted his RV sits on asphalt and has been <br /> there for many years and as far as he is concerned it is legal. <br /> Mr. Syring stated he is handicapped, on social security, and a limited income. He <br /> indicated he does have a couple of vehicles right now that are not operable, but <br /> the others all run. He noted he is dismantling the inoperable vehicles for parts. <br /> He cannot afford a brand-new vehicle so needs to fix what he has. <br /> Mr. Syring indicated he was not sure if he could afford to get license plates for his <br /> RV because in order to do that, he has to get insurance on the RV. He stated he <br /> was in a Catch 22 situation. He was not driving the vehicles but has to get insur- <br /> ance in order to get the plates to be compliant. <br /> Mr. Syring also indicated the City Inspector was in his neighbor's yard inspecting <br /> his backyard and he thought the Inspector could only view from the street. He <br /> wondered what was going on. <br /> Mr. Syring stated he did not have the money to improve his property at this time <br /> but will clean up the property. He noted he already removed one truck and anoth- <br /> er truck will be leaving shortly and within the next month and a half, three vehi- <br /> cles will be gone from his property. He asked for the City to give him a break. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated staff suggested the Council give Mr. Syring until <br /> April 2nd to get the vehicles out of his property and the property cleaned up. He <br /> asked Mr. Syring if that will work. <br /> Mr. Syring stated depending on the weather, it may work but if there is still snow <br /> and his stuff is frozen, he would not be able to clean it up until it thaws. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked Mr. Syring if there was a date that would work <br /> better. <br /> Mr. Syring stated he would like to have until July Pt due to weather conditions. <br /> Council Discussion <br />