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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2019 <br /> Page 9 <br /> ther than just being utilized once a month, as it is now. He thought it would be <br /> more of a day-to-day response to assist with that. Some of the design and storag- <br /> es would be set up to be much more advantageous to the Fire Department. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the Fire Department would envision the third en- <br /> gine as not being necessary once the City has a ladder with pumping capabilities. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated this was looked at and discussed in the staffing program over <br /> the last few months and if the answer is the Fire Department will end up with 24 <br /> full time people and little to no part time staff coming back for call backs, then the <br /> third engine could be looked at to be eliminated for the next go around, the 2025 <br /> purchase date. If the Fire Department remains having a large number of call back <br /> people, then the third engine would be needed. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he would love to have a conversation about how the <br /> City looks at personnel. He thought there were opportunities to look at how this <br /> can be done differently and how many vehicles the Fire Department can actually <br /> staff if there is a large fire. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated another factor that goes into this is the ISO rating, which has <br /> not been discussed. ISO evaluates many parts of the Fire Department. He noted <br /> the Roseville Fire Department has been rated an ISO rating of 2, which is the best <br /> of any Fire Department in the State. He noted there are other 2's but it is lowest <br /> rating of any Fire Department in the State of Minnesota and part of that is the <br /> number of apparatus the Fire Department has. Maintaining a ladder is crucial to <br /> maintaining that ISO rating along with water pump flow. That is what is looked <br /> for in determining how and if the Fire Department will be able to maintain its ISO <br /> rating. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked by adding the two medic vehicles, has it increased <br /> the life expectancy of these other vehicles and has anyone prepared a schedule of <br /> what the Fire Department Vehicle Fund will look like going out a few years. <br /> Mayor Roe thought this proposal was following the existing schedule. <br /> Chief O'Neill indicated that was correct. He stated the Fire Department is push- <br /> ing the last payment for the ladder to 2021 so the Fire Department is consistent <br /> with not dropping below the line and going into a negative position in the fund. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked how many years the 1.5 million dollars will be <br /> spread out. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated the first payments would be made in 2020 and 2021. He <br /> stated the medic vehicles will help the Fire Department be able to push the pur- <br /> chase of the engine from five years to 7.5 years or longer. Currently the way <br />