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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Chief O'Neill stated lift assist is approximately 250 a year and right now, the Fire <br /> Department is not doing anything to recoup those costs as they do not have the <br /> time to do billing. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought the Fire Department was at the point where it <br /> will need to start finding the time. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated there is not a lot of free time for his administrative staff to do <br /> that and medical billing is an `animal' by itself and one of the pieces that makes it <br /> very complicated. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he was more concerned with facilities charging <br /> people upwards of ten thousand dollars a month to provide services for them and <br /> perhaps there is a gap in some of those services that are provided and can be re- <br /> covered. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan thought there can be a balance between providing a lift <br /> assist at private residence versus a skilled nursing facility. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated the Fire Department staff can look into that. He stated re- <br /> garding the regional concept, it is one of the things that he and Assistant Chief <br /> Bresnahan feel very passionate about and have been working towards for quite a <br /> while. He thought that at the end of the day, if he were to fast forward and look at <br /> fire service by 2035, will be a regional Ramsey Fire Department. He thought it <br /> made sense but it has to come together with all of the cities wanting it and not just <br /> one city wanting it. There are also a lot of obstacles in that but there has been <br /> huge progress made in the last five years between County fire department's work- <br /> ing together and doing closest unit dispatch, auto aid, so he thought there has been <br /> a huge amount of progress in what he considers a very short period of time. He <br /> also thought the City is going to work towards that because Roseville is not the <br /> only one struggling with the concept of why doesn't part-time work anymore. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan stated the different fire departments around Roseville <br /> and Roseville itself have been looking at cost sharing for equipment and other <br /> things to save everyone money and looking at joint purchasing along with joint <br /> response is an effective way to look at regional services. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it seemed pretty clear with the information presented tonight <br /> and some past presentations that the eight on duty model seems to make sense. <br /> One of the issues the City deals with in the type of services provided is that you <br /> have to be prepared to provide that high level of service to the people in the com- <br /> munity in that very small percentage of time when it is needed. Unfortunately, <br /> there is a cost associated with that and one of the challenges the City needs to fig- <br /> ure out. He did not want to be in the position of doing this on the cheap. As a <br /> leader in the community, he did not think that was a legacy or reputation he wants <br />