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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25,2019 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Chief O'Neill stated that is not what the Fire Department is moving towards. He <br /> stated most of the fire departments in Ramsey County are in different places. <br /> Some respond to a hundred calls a year, some respond to thirty-five hundred, and <br /> some respond to seven thousand. He stated Maplewood is in the same position as <br /> Roseville but are a couple of years ahead of Roseville. Maplewood went through <br /> the transition from part-time to full-time and a combination in between and now <br /> Maplewood is strictly full-time firefighters and having those conversations to <br /> make sure their on-duty staffing is enough to be able to handle their calls first and <br /> then if there is anyone available, their fire department can help outside of Maple- <br /> wood. He noted Maplewood needs to be able to provide for their own first. <br /> Those are conversations at the Chiefs level that are had all of the time. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated she appreciated the grid the Council received in <br /> the packet and asked whether a column should be added indicating if the fire de- <br /> partments in other cities feel fully staffed and are the fire departments in those cit- <br /> ies having conversations about additional staff. She wants to know that the City's <br /> neighbors are also working to become self-reliant. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated it needs to be somewhat of an even exchange be- <br /> tween Roseville and neighboring cities because the Roseville is spending the tax- <br /> payer money on Roseville's Fire Department. That is the Council's primary con- <br /> cern. <br /> Chief O'Neill stated he agreed whole heartedly and to be honest he thought the <br /> neighboring cities had concerns about Roseville not being self-sufficient as Rose- <br /> ville does about them. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated he has read the report and sees the need for this <br /> but echoes the concerns of the other Councilmembers and how to get the money <br /> to do this. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated with respect to some of the bigger picture items, <br /> what the neighboring cities are and are not doing is a longer-term question. He <br /> hoped that is something the Fire Department and City are seriously looking at as <br /> more of a regional model. He thought Roseville should be talking with Falcon <br /> Heights and Lauderdale about shared opportunities that are potentially there. He <br /> stated the Fire Department should be looking a little broader in Roseville to see if <br /> some efficiencies can be gained with a larger regional model, which is something, <br /> he would like to see them take a look at. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated with respect to something that can be done in- <br /> house, seventy-two percent of Roseville calls are medical and of those, how many <br /> are things that are lift assistance. He asked what Roseville is doing to recoup <br /> some of those costs. <br />