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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/11/2019 2:59:07 PM
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4/11/2019 2:59:02 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Councilmember Groff thought that would make sense because this is a nonprofit. <br /> Mayor Roe stated at the last discussion, he brought up the City's Accessory <br /> Dwelling Unit process, which he believed was a permitted use in the Code but <br /> there is still an application form. He was not sure if it is a one-time approval that <br /> goes forward or if it is something that needs to be reviewed on an on-going basis. <br /> He asked Mr. Paschke to review the process. <br /> Mr. Paschke reviewed the City process for Accessory Dwelling Units. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the City has permitted uses in Multi-Family Districts. He won- <br /> dered if that is somewhat parallel to this as well. He did not know if he wanted <br /> people to go through the City's full fledged costly Interim Use Process for this <br /> type of thing. He wondered if there was a way to do some sort of Limited Interim <br /> Use process for certain types of uses that are relatively unobtrusive and do not <br /> need to have the full open house process. He thought that might be an angle the <br /> City might want to consider as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought the second thing Mayor Roe mentioned made <br /> more sense to him, a hybrid process pertaining to an Interim Use and structure <br /> something that way. With respect to an accessory as a permitted use or something <br /> along those lines, he wondered at what point does it cross the line and in effect <br /> become a conditional use? <br /> Attorney Gaughan thought the line would get crossed once it gets beyond design <br /> standards for how a particular structure may be constructed or screened or setback <br /> and gets into more of an operational type of condition, how many days per year <br /> can it engage in a permitted use or staff size. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated with respect to a blanket waiver or fees, based <br /> upon whether it was for profit or nonprofit, he would want to be very careful be- <br /> cause the City does have organizations that are nonprofits that could be large or- <br /> ganizations. He did not know if he would want to go that route if thinking of that <br /> possibility. He thought that perhaps the Mayor's thought of a new process with <br /> an Interim Use being somewhat of the backbone of that. <br /> Mayor Roe stated what he was thinking about in terms of the difference between a <br /> Conditional Use and an Interim Use is that a Conditional Use is a one-time ap- <br /> proval and is good for the life of the property. Whereas an Interim Use typically <br /> has a five-year time limit on it as a max and allows the Council to revisit it. If <br /> that is something the Council deems is appropriate, Interim Uses are typically <br /> things not normally allowed in the Code so that tends to maybe fit with this. <br />
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