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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 25, 2019 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he understood the point of a hybrid Interim Use <br /> Permit. One of the things that is important to him is somehow having a yearly <br /> look where the Fire Department is checking on the facility before people are <br /> housed for the next month to make sure the facility is meeting some of the basic <br /> standards for health and safety. He did not think it should be based on the facili- <br /> ty being nonprofit because there could be other issues with that. He would won- <br /> der if it is an ongoing use, should this be reviewed every five years. He also <br /> wondered how the pieces would fit together, ongoing safety, as well as the cost to <br /> the City. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if the City would still look at some sort of notifica- <br /> tion process on a smaller area with a cheaper mailing and the open house happen- <br /> ing as a public hearing, or something like that before the City Council. He <br /> thought this would be done for a new submission only. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated that would be something to look at. The other <br /> side of that is Roseville has had a number of churches that have been doing this <br /> for quite awhile without an issue and ultimately where he wants to get to, is some- <br /> thing where the City is not burdening the nonprofit with a fee structure that is im- <br /> pactful on what the nonprofit is doing. He would like to streamline the process <br /> for the nonprofit and accommodate what has been done for a number of years. He <br /> thought about leaning towards a new category of Interim Use that is focused on <br /> accommodating this type of thing. He thought that would be the goal and focus. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed with much of what her colleagues have stated. <br /> She thought a Conditional Use process would be too cumbersome and costly. She <br /> thought there might be more discussion about the Permitted Accessory Use, but <br /> she was comfortable where the Council is making suggestions at this point for <br /> maybe staff to bring something back. <br /> Councilmember Groff liked the conversation the Council just had because it nar- <br /> rows this down yet still leaves it broad enough. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought the discussion was moving towards a Limited Interim Use <br /> Permit or something that is limited in scope that would not have the normal re- <br /> quirements for an open house or extra notification. He thought it would still be a <br /> public hearing at the Planning Commission with five-hundred-foot notification, a <br /> term of five years, and then at the end of five years the City would need to decide <br /> if the facility should go through the entire process again or renew it. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mr.John Shardlow, 2988 Highcourt <br /> Ms. Shardlow stated he was the president of Roseville Lutheran Church Congre- <br /> gation and pleased with the way the conversation has gone. He originally sug- <br />