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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated he would like to do something like that if the <br /> Council wanted to get some of the data first, then have conversations formulated <br /> off of that. The thing that really jumps to mind when looking at the style of hous- <br /> ing that he has been able to see, is that housing is missing that would fit into a <br /> medium density residential classification. That is not just in Roseville, but <br /> throughout the region and is a piece that the Council can identify when going <br /> forward with planning processes and rezoning and can become a guide to look to. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it was more than just zoning and could be policies and other <br /> things, other proactive things, the City can do to foster that type of development <br /> because the City is at the mercy of the marketplace as well. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought the umbrella of meeting housing needs of all really leads <br /> the Council to then look at what is missing. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he wanted to push back a little bit with respect to <br /> zoning and marketplace. If the City does not have zoning in place that does not <br /> accommodate the things the City is missing, that in itself is a barrier. He thought <br /> when the Council looks at things and the approach he took, was to look at the <br /> overall acreage land area of Roseville and break it down. How many acres are <br /> zoned in each classification? There are a couple of things that really jump out, <br /> something the City Manager has spoken to, which is a way the City can start to <br /> identify and formulate a metric. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated the City was a little thoughtful when putting together <br /> the City's 2040 plan as the Council did look at some of those things. He stated <br /> under "Inclusive Community Governance," he thought that adopting racial equity <br /> plan was too much. He suggested maybe looking at taking next steps with the <br /> GARE process. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon wondered if it would be fair to say instead of adopting, it is really <br /> about implementing and taking the next steps of that racial equity plan and start <br /> doing things to further that along. <br /> Councilmember Etten thought the GARE process and the racial equity plan is go- <br /> ing to be continuing. He stated the Council is not just adopting, the Council is <br /> taking action on it. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought there was talk about having it focus on what the <br /> City can control within the organization and to her, that is something that could be <br /> flushed out as that bullet instead because the whole action plan cannot be all done <br /> at once, but direction was given on what could be done. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the Council still wants to make sure there is incremental pro- <br /> gress in some of those areas. <br />