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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18,2019 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon thought the detail that comes underneath it is really going to be im- <br /> portant. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated in regard to the Economic Development Strategic In- <br /> itiatives, he assumed Foster Twin Lakes Development had been on that list for <br /> some time. He assumed some of these things carry over to a future year. He <br /> would say on Rice/Larpenteur, to proceed rather than to implement because it is <br /> going to be an ongoing process. He would like to see more flushing out on the <br /> environmental sustainability side of it to reduce carbon. He would also like to <br /> know more about this and Green Step at some point, maybe an update of where <br /> the City is at in the process. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated Councilmember Laliberte brought up the Communi- <br /> ty Engagement Tool Kit or whatever the HRIEC is working towards and maybe <br /> that fits under the inclusive community governance. Ideally, these are all pieces <br /> that fit together. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated it was important that the HRIEC get direction <br /> from the Council on that item. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated she did not pick up on a lot of conversation about <br /> the Continue Imagine Roseville efforts. She knew it was on the list last year and <br /> yet there was not a lot because Council discussed who the members were and <br /> should those members become appointed if it is a City group. Or, if it is not a <br /> City group, then let the community at large have serious conversations and come <br /> up with their own initiatives. She stated it sat in limbo and is still in limbo. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it was to tell the Council that the Council needed to do their <br /> part to get the next step going on that. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated regarding Councilmember Groff s comment about <br /> Commission clarity, he did not think there was demand to add another priority. <br /> The City does have some Commissions that struggle with work focus and clarity <br /> from the Council and there has been a struggle with membership, turn overs, and <br /> changes the City might make regarding the interview and application process for <br /> Commissions. He felt the list gets longer, not shorter, and the Council could do <br /> more to engage the folks that stepped forward indicating they wanted to be a part <br /> of this. <br /> Councilmember Groff agreed and felt the process of interviewing with the Coun- <br /> cil and the form the people fill out really needs to be looked at. It is very generic <br /> and confusing for regular citizens who are not coming to the meetings all of the <br /> time. If there is some way staff can go over that form, that would be important <br /> and if the Council could talk about the interview process and brainstorm some- <br />