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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 16 <br /> thing that is more efficient both for the Council and the residents that interview, it <br /> would be helpful. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the Council would have a discussion after the appointment <br /> process as has been done the last couple of times to look at some improvements <br /> there. He was not sure how the interview process fits into the PPP but the focus <br /> on Commissions could be a part of the engagement aspect of that. He thought <br /> that fit into the Inclusive Community and Governance category and he did not <br /> want to add another category beyond the five. <br /> Mayor Roe asked the Council if the five categories were adequate and if there was <br /> anything else needed. <br /> The Council was fine with the five categories. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the next step was to refine some of the main bullets under the <br /> five categories and then attempt to start sticking some more measurables under <br /> each of them and bring that back as a draft for Council input. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated the only thing he has heard to add was about engagement <br /> under Inclusive Community and Governance. There was also talk about combin- <br /> ing the racial equity plan with that or was that a separate thing with the HRIEC <br /> and their engagement toolkit or would that happen in the background. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the engagement toolkit still seems separate from the racial <br /> equity plan, noting it obviously flows together but was standalone a little bit <br /> more. <br /> Councilmember Etten thought it needed to be kept as a separate focus. <br /> e. Discuss Addressing Commission Vacancies <br /> Mayor Roe stated there were not any applicants that followed all the way through <br /> the process for the Finance Commission. There may have been some initial inter- <br /> est but applicants did not get to the interview point. There are two remaining ap- <br /> plicants for the HRIEC vacancies. He stated Councilmember Willmus asked to <br /> have the process reopened. He imagined that if the process was reopened for the <br /> HRIEC, the applicants that interviewed and went through the process already <br /> would still stand and be under consideration. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated that was correct. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated staff did not have an exact timeline but if the Council would <br /> give staff direction to start that process, the normal procedure would be followed. <br />