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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated he would like discussion on this. He stated he <br /> was fine with reopening the process for the Finance Commission but the problem <br /> he sees with the HRIEC is that he has never seen, in any documents that the City <br /> has put out, that if there are only two applicants the process is reopened. The res- <br /> idents are not aware of this so if the City is going to do that, it needs to be put out <br /> there so people understand the process. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated the other problem he sees is that the HRIEC already <br /> has had two months without a quorum and if it goes two more months without a <br /> quorum, in his opinion, the City has two qualified candidates. But if in two more <br /> months the vacancies are still there, then there is an issue with a quorum on the <br /> Commission. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated one of the considerations he has looked to is hav- <br /> ing at least two applicants for a position. He thought that was important and <br /> would treat it the same way had there been one application for the Finance Com- <br /> mission for example. He would be looking to extend that so the City can get the <br /> greatest pool of applicants as possible. He thought that was very important. He <br /> stated for each position, he wants to see and have the ability to choose from a pool <br /> of applicants. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated he would understand Councilmember Willmus' <br /> point if the candidates were not qualified. If that is what the Council is saying, <br /> then he thought the Council needed to be straight forward and indicate to the pub- <br /> lic that the candidates are not qualified and to reopen it. The other thing is that if <br /> the City is going to do that, then it needs to be put in the advertising so people are <br /> clear that if the Council does not like someone who comes in and applies for a po- <br /> sition, the Council is going to reopen the posting to wait for someone the Council <br /> likes. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated in his six plus years he has been on the Council, he <br /> has never had this happen. He thought Councilmember Groff might have a point <br /> to make a policy going forward. For him, hearing this discussion, he does want to <br /> see a pool of candidates for each position. He was struck that everyone else can- <br /> celled and was not interested. He would want to interview a larger group of peo- <br /> ple before he would be comfortable making a decision on that. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated there is a policy that stated it was the goal to have twice the <br /> number of applicants to the vacancy. He was not sure how strong the language <br /> was regarding that but his experience has been to always try to do that in the past. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated she was comfortable having this conversation <br /> because she did recall that understanding and how that has been communicated to <br /> the public is up for debate. She did not think that anyone is saying that the two <br /> people interviewed are not qualified. She just wanted to say if that is Coun- <br />