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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 18 <br /> cilmember Groff's concern, that is not why she was having this conversation. <br /> She was having the conversation because of the pool and expectation of selection <br /> for each position being as important as it is. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated Resolution 10782, Reappointment Process and Term Limits <br /> Policy Roseville Citizen Advisory Commissions, states: "If fewer applicants are <br /> received then twice the number or openings, the City Council may establish a new <br /> application deadline and Council meeting for interviews." <br /> Councilmember Groff thought the key word was "may" and if the acting body <br /> wanted to do that, then it can. But he thought the problem here is that the resi- <br /> dents do not understand that. He thought it would be great if the City could put <br /> that out to the public for understanding. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the Council needed to make it clear that the applicants who <br /> have been interviewed are not being thrown out with the reopening, it is just to <br /> add more people into the pool. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought it was fine until there were a bunch of people <br /> that withdrew from consideration. She thought when this is reposted, it should be <br /> stated that the City is always looking for twice the number of applicants and that <br /> is the reason why it is being reposted. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated the Chair of the HRIEC Commission recommends the Coun- <br /> cil consider not filling the open seats and dropping the number of people down to <br /> seven. He noted there has been a lot of turn over on that Commission. He stated <br /> to do that the Council would need to change the actual ordinance. <br /> Mayor Roe stated he would be uncomfortable with changing the size of the <br /> Commission. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked, given that recommendation, should the Council <br /> only fill one position on the HRIEC at this time. <br /> Mayor Roe was not sure if he would be prepared to do that either and would ra- <br /> ther reopen it. <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, to re-advertise for vacancies of HRIEC and <br /> Finance Commission and the applications the City has with the HRIEC and the <br /> interviews conducted stand. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated she was taken aback that it was a recommenda- <br /> tion by the Chair of the HRIEC and the Commissions choose their chairs to be <br />