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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 19 <br /> leaders of their entities. She would like to know more about that. With that being <br /> said the Council does have applications and has interviewed some people. She <br /> would like to have a bigger pool for both Commissions because that has been the <br /> practice in the past and she would like to stay with that. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mr. Jim Bull, 3061 Woodbridge Street, stated as a citizen and member of another <br /> Commission in the City, he is often asked about the HRIEC Commission and <br /> what is going on there. He stated as a Commissioner, the Commission relies on <br /> every member being a high-quality member participating and contributing. He <br /> wanted to make sure the Council was considering having an ample pool to get the <br /> best people in order to get that Commission stabilized and contributing to the <br /> community because right now, the citizens see the Commission as being in tur- <br /> moil and non-functional. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten asked whether the Council planned on having a future dis- <br /> cussion based on the input from the Chair of the HRIEC. <br /> Mayor Roe stated he would like to hear from the whole Commission in regard to <br /> that to make sure the full Commission has a chance to weigh in. He would like to <br /> defer to the Commission for their input,but thought at some point there should be <br /> Council discussion on that. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked if there is a better decision to take a pause on the <br /> appointment to the HRIEC Commission to have the best conversations about the <br /> appropriate size and appropriate pool. <br /> Mayor Roe asked the Council if the motion should be changed to just re-opening <br /> the applications process for the Finance Commission and allow time for further <br /> discussion with the HRIEC. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon stated the Chair of the HRIEC did suggest downsizing but also put <br /> forward a name in case the Council wanted to still more forward. <br /> Councilmember Willmus thought the Council needed to move forward with what <br /> is before them and those pieces will fall into place at a later time. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he was going to lean towards what Councilmember <br /> Laliberte brought up. He wondered if the HRIEC was not making a quorum at <br /> four people. <br />