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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Etten indicated the Council is looking at four smaller funds and <br /> then the General Fund in aggregate and he did not know if there was any discus- <br /> sion at any point about looking at other departments at this level. <br /> Mr. Miller stated there has not. Most of the General Fund programs do not gener- <br /> ate revenue so there is not really any cash to track or any cash left over. There <br /> might be unspent budgets left over from one year to the next and there might be <br /> years where spending is more than what was budgeted, but there is not separate <br /> cash to track. <br /> Mayor Roe stated in the budget supplement document, the Council does have the <br /> breakdown on the spending side by function. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he was supportive of creating a cash carry for- <br /> ward fund, but he was also supportive of putting in place some mechanism by <br /> which the Council can track where the dollars are coming from that flow into that <br /> fund. As the members of the Finance Commission spoke to, he thought this <br /> would add a layer of clarity to things and it was important to do as it thereby be- <br /> comes a mechanism which people can understand the flow of dollars and what the <br /> City is doing with access dollars. He thought that was something the City has not <br /> done in the recent past and would be a great improvement going forward. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated he would agree with creating a cash carry forward <br /> fund because he did not want the City to be in this position next year. He also <br /> thought the General Fund needed to be brought up to where it needs to be. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he was supportive of a cash carry forward fund only <br /> with the caveat of being able to track where the money came from. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought tracking where the money came from would be <br /> very hard to do over time. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the City has the Parks and Recreation Fund where there is a <br /> single target and not a range. He wondered if the Council wanted to have a fol- <br /> low-up discussion about what is appropriate to look at for a range for the Parks <br /> and Recreation Department because Council may not want to sweep everything <br /> that is above the high range target because the target is also the minimum target. <br /> He thought the Council might want some thoughtful discussion for next year for <br /> that fund. <br /> Laliberte moved, Groff seconded, to establish a cash carry forward fund as of De- <br /> cember 31, 2018 based on what was described as a way of tracking where the <br /> funds came from. <br /> Council Discussion <br />