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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 18, 2019 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested the Council discuss creating a cash carry forward policy to <br /> match some of the other policies and might be a task to revert back to the Finance <br /> Commission. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought when the Council first started to talk about this <br /> two years ago, the Council was talking about the need for transparency with the <br /> taxpayers as to how the City is collecting their taxes and collecting them in excess <br /> of operating budget needs. She thought the Council was able to gather good in- <br /> formation from the Finance Commission and residents on this. She thought the <br /> most important thing the Council can do in their roles is to provide transparency <br /> as to how the City is using the tax dollars, which will be clearer for everyone go- <br /> ing forward as to how the dollars need to be transferred and not have to be verbal- <br /> ly tracked. <br /> Councilmember Groff agreed and his main concern was to give the City some <br /> flexibility in the future. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if part of the motion was to track the inflow and <br /> where the funds are coming from as the inflow to the new fund. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated that was correct. He thought this made sense and the key is <br /> to have that annual understanding of where the funds come from and to have the <br /> built-in process of considering whether the Council wants to do anything with <br /> those funds at the time or just carry the funds forward. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Groff, Etten, Laliberte and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mr. Miller asked the Council if this motion should be memorialized in a resolu- <br /> tion or was the Council comfortable leaving this as a motion, second, and a vote. <br /> Mayor Roe thought at this point a motion, second, and a vote should cover it. <br /> Mr. Miller indicated staff will take $634,000 out of the Park and Recreation Fund <br /> and move it out along with two other funds and put some amount of that back in. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that would be a subsequent action. The motion is to sweep the <br /> $885 into a cash carry forward fund. <br /> Mr. Miller stated related to that and maybe this still requires the second half of <br /> that, by default, all undesignated monies that are not designated for a specific <br /> purpose go into the General Fund. Until the Council does define it, the money <br /> will sit in the General Fund. What staff can do is when the City Council see the <br />