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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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4/22/2019 10:29:45 AM
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4/12/2019 4:00:49 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />March 20, 2019 –Draft Minutes <br />Page 9of 18 <br />356 Commissioner Bolinger stated it will change the language and how the City <br />357 approaches this if the Commission is not actually the ones creating the relationships <br />358 or if the Commission is, then what is the Commission’s role. Is the Commission the <br />359 go between the City Council and the contacts or is the Commission just an <br />360 introduction. <br />361 <br />362 Commissioner Eck stated she did not want to step on the toes of City employees who <br />363 maybe have a lot of same ideas on their own plans within the scope of their job. <br />364 <br />365 Chair Beltmann asked if anyone had any thoughts on what the ideal would like in <br />366 terms of the how because if the Commission goes to the City Council to find out <br />367 where the Council wants the Commission to take this,she did not think it would be a <br />368 very fruitful conversation based on the few conversations the Commission has had <br />369 with the City Council. If someone could bring an update to the City Council on <br />370 where the Commission is at and indicate the Commission is ready to move onto the <br />371 next steps, describing what the Commission would like to do and ask if it was what <br />372 the City Council wanted.She thought this was something the Commission could <br />373 think about and bring backfor further discussion. <br />374 <br />375 Commissioner Eck asked if it would reasonable to consult with City Staff, some <br />376 people who have some primary responsibility in this area. <br />377 <br />378 Mr. Trudgeon did not think this needed to be an either/or situations, either HRIEC or <br />379 Staff,it could be a partnership. He stated the Staff does have contacts but does not <br />380 know enough people in certain parts of the community for a partnership.He thought <br />381 it was a very important interval to try to use the resources, knowledge and contacts <br />382 that the Commission knows in conjunction with Staff’s to try to make those <br />383 connections. He thought it would be reasonable to suggest that this is a partnership <br />384 working with the key staff that are involved with people, including the City <br />385 Manager’s office to worktogether andreach out to people and collectively go <br />386 together and have conversations to begin those relationships. <br />387 <br />388 Commissioner Eck liked the idea of a partnership because it is an important piece. <br />389 She thought if the City can get a mutual understanding with those people the <br />390 Commission is partnering with in the City, that would be really helpful because she <br />391 thought there were a lot of people on this Commission that are willing to go out and <br />392 make some contacts but the Commission wants to do that with a little firmer footing <br />393 underneath them and a mutual understanding with the partners. <br />394 <br />395 Chair Beltmann thought the one thing the Commission has struggled with is that the <br />396 City Council has been pretty clear about the Commission being advisory versus doing <br />397 the work so this would be a potential deviation from that. <br />398 <br />399 Mr. Trudgeon stated it is being in partnership with the City and staff and rolls really <br />400 nicely into some of the things staff is bringing forward as far as the Racial Equity <br /> <br />
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