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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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4/22/2019 10:29:45 AM
Creation date
4/12/2019 4:00:49 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />March 20, 2019 –Draft Minutes <br />Page 10of 18 <br />401 Plan and Engagement. It is not inconsistent and seems to be a perfect melding of <br />402 opportunity to get something real done. <br />403 <br />404 Chair Beltmann agreed and thought the Commission needed to do the partnership side <br />405 and she thought the Commission could do a lot. <br />406 <br />407 Commissioner Djevi stated the City already does a lot of things and one way he looks <br />408 at it is if the Commission have some idea about what already has been done and how <br />409 the Commission can affect how those things are done. <br />410 <br />411 Commissioner Bolinger stated the Commission has talked about more diversity and <br />412 more representation of different cultures and communities at Party in the Park. <br />413 <br />414 Chair Beltmann stated she has dropped the ball. The work she needs to get done <br />415 before the next meeting is to go through the staff survey results and summarize that <br />416 and start to put together some best practices and she thought in her mind when she <br />417 was initially thinking about it, that work would help to surface some of those things. <br />418 She stated for the next meeting she can get that work done in terms of drafting the <br />419 summary and starting the best practices. As far as next steps in general, is everyone <br />420 in agreement in terms of the goals Ms. Olson has outlined in the packet. <br />421 <br />422 Commissioner Eck stated it sounds like where the Commission is going with this is <br />423 the outreach piece, to help identify individuals, groups or organizations and create a <br />424 bit more of an inroad to help establish a relationship there so the Commission can <br />425 bring a stronger connection with the City. <br />426 <br />427 Chair Beltmann thought it was people, places andgoing back to the staff survey. She <br />428 thought it was also helping to respond to questions that have come up through that. <br />429 <br />430 Commissioner Peterson stated there are two pieces, it is the foundation piece, survey, <br />431 ideas on some best practices and the other piece the outreach piece to show some <br />432 connection the Commission has made. <br />433 <br />434 Chair Beltmann thought the Commission was in agreement generally around the <br />435 goals, the bullet points outlined by Ms. Olson. She stated where the Commission <br />436 needs to get and will come from the City Council is the how piece. She thought the <br />437 next step for this would be to go before the City Council and provide an update on <br />438 where the Commission is at and have a conversation and bring a recommendation to <br />439 City Council as to how the Commission might want to execute this work going <br />440 forward and have a conversation with them to give the Commission direction. <br />441 <br />442 Mr. Trudgeon stated the Commission wants to make sure that the staff survey and <br />443 results are compiled in a place where the Commission canshare it. He saw another <br />444 piece of starting to do the outreach to the various entities and groups. <br />445 <br /> <br />
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