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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
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Last modified
4/22/2019 10:29:45 AM
Creation date
4/12/2019 4:00:49 PM
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Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />March 20, 2019 –Draft Minutes <br />Page 12of 18 <br />490 Mr. Trudgeonstated the discussion should focus on what the Commission would like <br />491 to achieve from their involvement with this event, how best to do that, and the <br />492 timeline and resources need to accomplish whatever the Commission decides. <br />493 <br />494 Chair Beltmann did not think the Commission could come up with something for the <br />495 parade on their own but does this Commission want to participatewith the other <br />496 Commissions or does the Commission want to recommend all of the other <br />497 Commissions join forces again and march or are there any other ideas. <br />498 <br />499 Commissioner Bolinger asked if the Commission can ask other communities to walk <br />500 with them. <br />501 <br />502 Mr. Trudgeon suggested because he might be out of town and he has a spot secured <br />503 the Commission could take his spot in the parade to bring a group together and then <br />504 the Commissions could still have their spot in the parade. <br />505 <br />506 Commissioner Bolinger thought the other Commissions should be told so those <br />507 Commissions can invite other peopleto have a better presence. <br />508 <br />509 Chair Beltmann wondered if the Commission could set up a hot dog and water stand <br />510 or something along the route instead of walking in the parade to engage the <br />511 community more. <br />512 <br />513 Commissioner Bolinger thought because the parade route is so long the Commission <br />514 would only be engaging a small percentage of people. <br />515 <br />516 Commissioner Peterson would suggest doing something like that in Party in the Park <br />517 rather than at the parade. For the parade she would recommend having the Corrine <br />518 Group to walk and it will display a community group that is under-represented. She <br />519 also suggested including some Nepaleseor Hispanics to walk with the Commission. <br />520 <br />521 Chair Beltmann stated June is LBGTQQIA month and Pride weekend is right around <br />522 the parade so she wondered if the Commission could do a Pride focus to tie the <br />523 Proclamation. This would be another way the Commission is highlighting the <br />524 Proclamations. <br />525 <br />526 The Commission liked that idea. <br />527 <br />528 Commissioner Bolinger asked if the Commission could have t-shirts that have the <br />529 rainbow flag on it. <br />530 <br />531 Commissioner Peterson stated she would be happy to reach out to some groups. <br />532 <br />533 Youth Commissioner Iverson stated he would be happy to talk to the High School <br />534 group and thought that group would be happy to help out. <br /> <br />
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