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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
4/19/2019 12:11:48 PM
Creation date
4/19/2019 12:10:49 PM
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Public Works Commission
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216 Mr. Freihammer stated he did not ask Richfield that question and Richfield did not <br />217 give staff any feedback on that. He did not think the irrigation meters were meant <br />218 to be a revenue generator, but staff could follow up with Richfield on that. He <br />219 stated the secondary intent of establishing the irrigation meters was for larger <br />220 commercial properties and does protect them from incurring sanitary sewer <br />221 charges. <br />222 <br />223 Mr. Freihammer reviewed the variety of ways to charge water rates for Commercial <br />224 properties. <br />225 <br />226 Member Joyce asked if the City has always sep*ted residential, commercial real <br />227 estate on a commercial rate. <br />228 <br />229 Mr. Freihammer stated as far as he knows the City has but he would have to do <br />230 some more research. <br />231 <br />232 Member Joyce stated there is an advantage to not to have so many houses not to <br />233 have to feed water to. <br />234 <br />235 Mr. Freihammer indicated every city has its reasoning for setting up a system the <br />236 way the city sets it up which is why there is such a variety of systems and almost <br />237 endless options of how to go about it. <br />238 Ilk <br />239 Member Kruse asked if retrofitting an irrigation meter in, does that depend on how <br />240 the building is plumbed and how easy that is to do. <br />241 <br />242 Mr. Freihammer stated in some cases it could be difficult and some cases it could <br />243 be simple and depends on how the building was set up and how the irrigation is <br />244 coming off of the building. In some cases, it could be very easy, every situation is <br />245 a little different for commercial properties. <br />246 <br />247 Acting Chair Wozniak asked if it was the responsibility of the customer to pay for <br />248 installation of an irrigation meter. <br />249 <br />250 Mr. Freihammer indicated it was. <br />251 <br />252 Acting Chair Wozniak asked if staff knew what kind of cost savings the business <br />253 would see from the avoided sewer charges on that. <br />254 <br />255 Mr. Freihammer stated it depended on how much was being used but it could be <br />256 really insignificant to really significant. <br />257 <br />258 Member Kruse asked if there were any other water uses besides that which would <br />259 not discharge to the sanitary sewer system. <br />260 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />
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