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Last modified
4/19/2019 12:11:48 PM
Creation date
4/19/2019 12:10:49 PM
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Public Works Commission
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261 Mr. Culver stated filling a pool or some other water toys like that. Other <br />262 recreational uses of water or washing cars. The vast majority is irrigation. <br />263 <br />264 Member Misra stated there was a slide in the presentation on water usage with a <br />265 condo and three different apartments and she wondered if that slide was from <br />266 Roseville. <br />267 <br />268 Mr. Freihammer stated the apartments are all in Roseville and is a snapshot of four <br />269 different buildings and may not be representative of water usage. <br />270 <br />271 Member Misra asked why Apartment A is such an outlier. <br />272 <br />273 Mr. Freihammer indicated Apartment A is a newer complex and most likely has in <br />274 unit washer and dryers and also more likely to have more appliances in the facility <br />275 which can make a huge difference. <br />276 <br />277 Member Joyce stated water usage in an apartment or condo is not separated by unit. <br />278 <br />279 Mr. Freihammer stated that was correct. The condo sample in the slide have one <br />280 meter and is serving 201 units. <br />281 <br />282 Member Joyce stated when trying to conserve water usage to the resident, there is <br />283 no meter or metric to figure out. <br />284 <br />285 Mr. Freihammer stated that was correct. There is no monetary incentive for those <br />286 users in those buildings to know the resident are getting charged more. <br />287 <br />288 Mr. Culver stated there are opportunities for landlords to install metering devices <br />289 to each unit. Those are not City meters but meters the landlord can monitor per <br />290 unit. He stated this was anewer technology and did not know if any of the Roseville <br />291 apartments would have it but if the City were to implement something like this and <br />292 there were incentives for the landlord to actually implement something like that, <br />293 that might end up being one of the consequences of that. <br />294 <br />295 Member Misra asked what the Summer Consumption column on the slide <br />296 indicating. <br />297 <br />298 Mr. Freihammer stated staff tried to differentiate between Summer and Winter <br />299 because typically Summer the irrigation is the difference. <br />300 <br />301 Member Misra stated the average Summer is 7.8 and average Winter is 7.7 and <br />302 Summer consumption is 1186 on the slide for Apt A. <br />303 <br />304 Mr. Culver stated 1196 is the total consumption for the year. <br />305 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />
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