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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 8, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he was comfortable with the process that has <br /> been used the last few years. He actually liked the level of detail there is. He <br /> thought the one area that have been lacking the past few years is to have that same <br /> level of detail on the EDA side that the City Council side has. That would be one <br /> area where he would like to have a little bit more clarity on things as the items <br /> come forward. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if one of those things on the EDA side could be referred to as <br /> the plus/minus report that is at the end of the documentation attachment. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that is what he would be looking for on the EDA. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that the timing is good and appreciates all of the in- <br /> formation that is provided in order to delve into specific areas as needed for back- <br /> ground. He found the plus/minus sheet in the appendix to be particularly interest- <br /> ing to see where money is shifting, which is helpful to track where items are go- <br /> ing. He stated one of the things he asked a few weeks ago is that some of these <br /> things are fee supported and he would like to understand where the fees play into <br /> how it meets with the budget. The City Council sees the budget for some things <br /> and there are other departments where the Council sees everything, but some the <br /> Council does not see what is being brought in. There are other services and <br /> charges as costs but the Council does not see what is being brought in on the other <br /> side. He would like to see, at some point, how those relate. <br /> Mayor Roe thought that does get to the discussion the Council had regarding the <br /> breakdown of the General Fund by department both on the revenue and expendi- <br /> ture side. It was not necessarily just fees that are coming in. He thought that see- <br /> ing how those items break down in the general fund is what the Council would <br /> like to see. <br /> Mr. Miller stated this was done six or seven years ago for a couple years as part of <br /> the budget process but fell out of favor because it was not asked to be brought <br /> back. He thought it was encouraging if the Council wanted to see that total pic- <br /> ture. He stated the general fund will be a bit of a challenge to break down,but <br /> staff will get it done. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he did not think some of the funds needed to be bro- <br /> ken down and allocated, such as the property tax levy. <br /> Mayor Roe thought staff would have to distinguish that the levy covers a lot of <br /> different things and part of it is the general fund, operational costs, and throw out <br /> things that are covered in other funds so what is left could then be proportioned <br /> across different areas based on the budget side of things in each of those areas. <br />