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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/7/2019 2:55:42 PM
Creation date
5/7/2019 2:55:39 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 15,2019 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mayor Roe thought it was conceivable for someone to come forward for a Zoning <br /> Text Amendment to allow some use in a particular part of the Twin Lakes area <br /> that the City had not anticipated or to change from Community Mixed Use One to <br /> Community Mixed Use Two on a particular property and that would come before <br /> the City Council. He stated he was trying to envision the type of things that <br /> would bring the development forward to the City Council for review and approv- <br /> al. He was not sure he wanted to put in place something that requires someone to <br /> come before the City Council for something that is not otherwise seen by the City <br /> Council in terms of development. <br /> Councilmember Groff stated any time the City can reduce regulations that are re- <br /> dundant or unnecessary, he is in favor of doing so. Reading through this, he <br /> thought it was a good proposal. <br /> Mayor Roe stated he would be supportive of rescinding this. He wondered if the <br /> Council wanted to have something like the narrative he had suggested on other <br /> proposals, rezoning and things like that, which come before the City Council that <br /> says what the onsite environmental issues are that are known. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated he would look at this from a different angle, is the <br /> City putting itself in a position of presenting information that is being deemed re- <br /> liable, particularly on a commercial transaction where really the burden is on the <br /> party that might be developing or acquiring that parcel. He would not want the <br /> City to put something forward that in some manner may actually misrepresent <br /> what issues or lack of issues are on that parcel. He wondered if the City put <br /> themselves in some sort of jeopardy by taking on that role. That would be a con- <br /> cern he would have. He is actually in favor of rescinding the ERW for that very <br /> reason, because other entities are responsible and obligated to do these reviews. <br /> Ms. Gundlach stated it sounds like environmental contamination seems to be of <br /> utmost concern. She noted that preparation of a Response Action Plan(RAP) is <br /> an evolving process and when the developer is in front of the public for financial <br /> assistance or a rezoning or Comp. Plan Amendment, the developer has not done <br /> soil borings a lot of times and has not refined exactly what the developer is doing <br /> so the depth of remediation the City is going to be able to have at that time is go- <br /> ing to be a very high level summary. When the developer prepares a RAP, the <br /> developer has to have contingencies in place. She thought the City could poten- <br /> tially be putting itself in a box and saying these are all of the issues and every- <br /> thing is being taken care of when at the very early stage of getting a project ap- <br /> proved. She noted, with a RAP, the developer is required to write a RAP imple- <br /> mentation report when it is all done. She stated the City Staff gets copied on the <br /> RAP implementation letter and can forward to the Council, once received, so the <br /> Council has confidence that the project was cleaned up in the manner expected. <br />
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