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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 22, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br /> agencies, as Mr. Trudgeon has commented, are a voluntary program. The Rice <br /> Creek Watershed District has some programs, but those programs are directed by <br /> their Board. What the Watershed's Board does not have, is a specific thing that <br /> the City feels would be good in the community and the Watershed Board is in no <br /> position to help the City negotiate that. In terms of flooding and stormwater, the <br /> City has issues in the community that may in fact be unique to the community and <br /> the City talks about the Green Steps Program and to really participate in that pro- <br /> gram that has a lot of things regarding noise and lighting and the environment and <br /> permeable pavements and the Complete Streets Program, etc. She thought the <br /> City should rescind the document it currently has, and should redirect the Public <br /> Works, Environment, and Transportation Commission (PWET) to come forward <br /> with an environmental assessment worksheet of some form that really spells out <br /> those things the community is looking for in a new development, whether it is tree <br /> perfection, which the City already has, but to spell it out in a total document about <br /> stormwater management, permeable surface, wetlands, and the kinds of buffers <br /> the City wants around wetlands. All of those types of things are important. <br /> Ms. McGehee stated the City should require the new development to be orienting <br /> buildings to take advantage of solar. She stated the City needs to look at their <br /> own parking areas to see how it can be turned into a permeable surface in terms of <br /> recharging the aquafer. She stated these are important things that can be thought <br /> about as a community, be included on a checklist, and not have it buried off in <br /> Community Development. She stated Community Development could provide a <br /> list to developers that shows that Roseville is interested, and the community sup- <br /> ports these kinds of things, and what the City is looking for. <br /> Mr. Sean Gosiewski <br /> Mr. Gosiewski stated he was with the Alliance for Sustainability and is one of the <br /> speakers for the PWET presentation. He agreed with Ms. McGehee that as the <br /> City is getting rid of the current ERW and delegating the PWET to work on up- <br /> dating some other similar document that could be for a specific development area <br /> but also could be citywide. He congratulated the Councilmembers on having a <br /> Comprehensive Plan that is affirming the State goal of reducing carbon by eighty <br /> percent. He stated the Alliance for Sustainability will be helping to create some <br /> multi-family teams to work on some of these issues. He stated the City is already <br /> a part of cities charging ahead and working on EV readiness with the City. He <br /> stated down the road some of the considerations could be in a worksheet, and it is <br /> really important to make sure that project proposers are talked to early on because <br /> the further down the road in working with the architect, the harder it is to change <br /> things. If it is really early on, the City could talk about issues of onsite storm- <br /> water capture, solar orientation and how it might tie into different bike and pedes- <br /> trian oriented pathways through the City. There are also issues of daylighting and <br /> many opportunities to implement daylighting. One of the resources that could re- <br /> ally be promoted is the free Xcel Energy Design Assistance Program where the <br /> company helps architects work on energy efficient designs for the buildings. He <br />