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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 22,2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> stated a lot the other metro cities are going to be working on ways to address new <br /> building construction and renovation because it is one of the most important areas <br /> for achieving the Citywide carbon goals as well as saving people a ton of money <br /> in operating their buildings. He seconded the idea of having some process of re- <br /> developing guidelines for this redevelopment area but also somethings that could <br /> be shared with anyone on any project in the City. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the ERW is very much a parallel to the Environmental Assess- <br /> ment Worksheet (EAW), which is through the State Regulatory process. He stat- <br /> ed either the City's ERW or an EAW is an inventory of what current conditions <br /> are, what might be a contamination, what might be proposed in a development in <br /> terms of additional traffic, and what that means in terms of pollution as well as <br /> understanding issues related to a species habitat. He thought what was being sug- <br /> gested by the speakers is exactly the type of thing that makes sense to look at and <br /> one of the priorities the City Council has been putting into the priorities for the <br /> coming year. He thought focusing on what the City can do in terms of environ- <br /> mental things would be a perfect jumping off point for a discussion the City can <br /> have and agreed that it should not apply to just one part of the City. This should <br /> be promoted throughout the rest of the City and there are certainly ways the City <br /> can consolidate information that is available for resources for people. It will start <br /> to put together standards the Council may have and what incentives to put behind <br /> those. He stated there are a number of topics that will be coming forward to dis- <br /> cuss in the next year. <br /> Laliberte moved, Etten seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11593 entitled, <br /> "Resolution Repealing Resolution 11198, rescinding the Environmental Review <br /> Worksheet(ERW) Process." <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thought the Council had a good discussion with the <br /> Community Development Director last week that was very helpful in really laying <br /> out for the Council that the intent of the worksheet was not coming to fruition. <br /> The City does want to be easy to do business with for companies that want to <br /> come to Roseville and build in a responsible manner. <br /> Councilmember Etten thought this made sense because the ERW was becoming a <br /> cumbersome process and not getting the City any closer to where the City wants <br /> to go, and he was open to new ideas and ways to encourage citywide positive de- <br /> velopment. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Groff, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br />