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City Council Meeting Minutes
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5/7/2019 3:01:00 PM
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5/7/2019 3:00:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 22, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> c. Consider a Request by Hand in Hand (HIH Christian Montessori, in Coop- <br /> eration with the Department of Military Affairs, for approval of the Final <br /> Plat of McCarrons Hill (PF18-016) <br /> City Planner Thomas Paschke summarized the request as detailed in the RCA of <br /> this date; and noted a bench handout incorporated into the RCA providing an ex- <br /> tract of City Council meeting minutes of April 22, 2019. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated the preliminary stage, with the preliminary plat <br /> parcels, were mis-identified or mis-labeled as Industrial rather than Institutional <br /> and he wondered if those corrections were made. <br /> Mr. Paschke thought those corrections were done on the plat that came forward <br /> and should be correct on the final plat. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated on the southern portion along North McCarron's <br /> Boulevard, along the corner of William Street and heading east for about a hun- <br /> dred yards, there is a fairly significant retaining wall. There was discussion about <br /> moving that in order to make that corner more visible for people coming around <br /> the corner westbound on McCarrons. This proposed grading plan gets rid of that <br /> but the preliminary plat leaves a pretty significant grade shift as well as signifi- <br /> cant sculpting of earth. He thought the norm of earth moving is six feet in a spot <br /> and this is between four and ten feet throughout the property. He asked whether <br /> there was some form of that wall, a lower form, or moving back of that away from <br /> the intersection, would the developer be able to save some of this significant <br /> grade scraping that is happening on other parts of the property. <br /> City Engineer Freihammer stated to accommodate the current grades with the <br /> roadway and with the lots and without increasing the size of the wall significantly, <br /> the developer would not be able to obtain that. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated one of the other things discussed was treatment of <br /> water in this situation. Right now, the land is not level because the wall is there <br /> with less grade shift. He wondered if there has been any discussion regarding rain <br /> gardens or other opportunities along North McCarrons to catch some water runoff <br /> that will be coming southbound off Lots 4 and 5. <br /> Mr. Freihammer stated staff did look at that and one of the issues is that although <br /> the grade is coming down, the topography of the site works against the installation <br /> of a rain garden. Some retaining walls would need to be installed to get a <br /> raingarden in. The project does meet the requirements of stormwater that at least <br /> the north half of the two properties drain to the north as well as all of the back <br /> properties drain to the current basin proposed. It is meeting the requirements and <br /> there should be less runoff even though it will be developed at the current condi- <br /> tion it is already in. <br />
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