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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/23/2019 3:49:59 PM
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7/23/2019 3:49:50 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 8, 2019 <br /> Page 14 <br /> because he was the Chair and the leadership of the meeting or is it the continua- <br /> tion of service. The reason she was being cautious on this is because this will set <br /> a precedent with whatever is decided and in other situations, the Council has en- <br /> couraged when there has been conflict, for people to work it out and for the <br /> Council to not get involved. While she understands this is not something that is <br /> getting together to work out a problem, she thought what was being weighed was <br /> a lack of confidence in this Chair or by the fellow Commission members and if <br /> that is the case, then she wished the Commission would tell Mr. Bull that the <br /> Commission has confidence in him as the Chair. Then that leads to service as a <br /> whole and the precedent that is decided tonight. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted with respect to precedent, he did not believe that <br /> if a member was removed from a Commission by the Council that it sets a prece- <br /> dent because that has happened in the City of Roseville before. It has also hap- <br /> pened where Members seeking reappointment have not been reappointed. What <br /> would precedent setting is if the Council stepped in and said it is going to make a <br /> determination on behalf of the Planning Commission as to who its Chair and <br /> Vice-Chair are. That would be setting a precedent. It comes back to what is be- <br /> fore the Council in black and white in the Uniform Commission Code and that is <br /> simply if there are three members of this body, that for whatever reason do not <br /> agree with service of a particular member, that member can be removed without <br /> cause. He thought this is where the focus needs to be, and all of this other con- <br /> versation really is an aside and does not do the City of Roseville or the particular <br /> individual any good. He noted he has had an opportunity and heard from a num- <br /> ber of members in the community and also heard from all but two Commission <br /> members, which will be in part his basis for ultimately what his vote will be on <br /> the motion that is before the Council. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated he has also had the opportunity to talk to Mr. <br /> Bull last week, prior to the packet coming out and he probably did not realize this <br /> might be coming. He thought in the future, when these things come forward and <br /> there is an issue such as this, he knew the City Manager reached out, but he <br /> thought it is upon the Council and Mayor to reach out and have that conversation <br /> with the individual. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he forgot to ask for public comment before Council discus- <br /> sion. He offered an opportunity for public comment, with no one coming for- <br /> ward. <br /> Councilmember Etten indicated on the question on Chair or general Commission- <br /> er, the Council even saw in that meeting, right after that discussion with Mr. Bull <br /> and the attorney, another member of the Commission recusing herself She did <br /> architectural work for CommonBond, one of the applicants, which was a much <br /> less connected thing but indicated she felt she needed to step away. He thought <br /> within that minute of the meeting, there was another member making a complete- <br />
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