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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 15, 2019 <br /> Page 7 <br /> the opportunity to dig down and really look at it, there might be some opportunity <br /> to also deal with some operating needs that are ongoing needs. To the extent that <br /> it can be done with existing tax levy, he thought that is always the first place to <br /> start. <br /> Mayor Roe noted from his perspective, he would like to see more on the law en- <br /> forcement side of public safety and what the City Council might look to increase <br /> in terms of what is being done, what those impacts and benefits are, and how it <br /> works. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought this was discussed in 2018 but asked if there is a <br /> possibility of conversation on the cash reserve target levels, why those levels are <br /> there, and while some have ranges, some do not. <br /> Mayor Roe thought that was a good point because on Parks and Recreation, the <br /> City Council talked about looking at a potential for a range on that one because it <br /> does not have a range right now. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked when the City Council will see a revised fee <br /> schedule for the coming year. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that is part of the City Manager budget and will come later in the <br /> fall. <br /> Councilmember Willmus would like to see the City Council get a look at that a <br /> little sooner in the year, if possible, particularly if there is something the City <br /> Council sees could be adjusted. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it might be a good idea to look at the fee schedule again as a <br /> reminder of what was done in 2018 and then an opportunity for some initial input <br /> in case there are some things that either come up then or come up now that the <br /> City Council wants to look at. Then when it comes back for approval, the City <br /> Council has had that opportunity to at least have some back and forth before that <br /> time. He thought that made sense. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed and has seen some recent articles about how <br /> City fees are impacting the cost of housing and development, how the cities are <br /> struggling to have general housing and redevelopment areas affordable even when <br /> those are not affordable projects, and thought it would give the City Council an- <br /> other look at that too. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it might make sense to have an outline presented to the EDA <br /> about what the City development fees typically are and what is a typical example <br /> of how much that affects development. <br />