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Metropolitan Council Environmental Services updates: <br />• Avon street <br />o This project is essentially complete. <br />• Upper Villa <br />This project is essentially complete. The overlay of the trail should occur the <br />week of August 26 and turf will be restored shortly thereafter. All erosion control <br />measures will be removed once turf is established. <br />Ramsey County: <br />• County Road C Reconstruction: Hwy 88 to Long Lake Road <br />o The County will be reconstructing County Road C between Highway 88 in St. <br />Anthony and Long Lake Road in Roseville in 2019. <br />o Work is underway with traffic down to one lane in each direction. <br />• Traffic is anticipated to shift to the west bound lanes late the week of <br />August 26. <br />County Road C Concrete Rehabilitation: Cleveland Ave to Snelling Ave <br />o Work includes concrete maintenance on County C between Cleveland Avenue <br />and Snelling Avenue. Work includes ADA upgrades and concrete joint repairs. <br />o Work is on hold during the State Fair but will resume after Labor Day. When <br />work resumes traffic will be down to one lane in each direction. Approximately <br />two to three weeks of work remain. <br />Lexington Avenue Resurfacing, County Road C2 to County Road E <br />o All work on the project is completed. <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation updates: <br />• I-35WMnPASSproject-httn:// <br />o Construct MnPASS Express Lanes (one lane in each direction) in the middle of <br />existing I -35W between County Road C in Roseville and Lexington Avenue <br />(County Rd 17) in Blaine. <br />o Repave 1-35W and ramps between County Road C in Roseville to just north of <br />Sunset Ave (County Road 53) in Lino Lakes. <br />o Replace and repair bridges along the project area. <br />o Install noise walls on the east side of 1-35W just north of the County Road C <br />ramps to County Road D. <br />o Contract was awarded in October to Ames Construction which had the winning <br />Design/Build Proposal. Total cost is $208 million. <br />o Major roadwork is underway. <br />• The southbound TH 51 (Snelling Avenue) turn lane to southbound <br />Hamline will be closed for the remainder of the project. <br />• All traffic is shifted to the northbound lanes with two through lanes in <br />each direction. <br />• The on ramps from County Road C to southbound 35W will be closed <br />until November. <br />• Rosegate Avenue will be closed through November. <br />Miscellaneous Updates: <br />• Organics Drop off Site <br />o The new pad for the organics drop off site has been installed at the leaf recycling <br />center off of Dale Street. The area around the pad has also been paved. Once a <br />container is delivered and signs are installed, the site will be opened. <br />• State Fair Parking <br />o Earlier this year the city contacted residents living closest to the park-and-ride <br />lots. Based on feedback, the city has approved restricting parking within a quarter <br />mile of the lots to one side of the street, and in some instances to both sides of the <br />