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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 26, 2019 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Mayor Roe asked if there was anyone representing the applicant who wished to <br /> make a presentation or speak to this application. <br /> Community Development Director Gundlach explained because the item was <br /> moved up, she called the developer but was not able to reach him and did not <br /> know if he was in the audience but was planning on being at the meeting. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mr. Woodrow Piner <br /> Mr. Piner indicated he was representing carpenters and construction workers that <br /> live in this area. He asked if this gets approval, will there be public comment <br /> moving forward for the development agreement coming next month. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated there would be. <br /> Ms. Priscilla Morton,2593 Western <br /> Ms. Morton explained she was at the meeting regarding the carbon footprint and <br /> greenhouse gases, she reviewed the information and did not see anything in the <br /> report about energy efficiency or what kind of energy would be used in either the <br /> residential or business part. She asked whether this is part of the consideration <br /> when approving these developments. She saw that one of the comments in the <br /> accompanying information, indicated it does not go against anything in the 2030 <br /> plan, she questioned if the 2040 plan is being considered in this. Likely the goal <br /> of getting to eighty percent less carbon greenhouse gases by 2050 will probably <br /> not change, and any development of this size has a nearly permanent impact on <br /> that footprint. <br /> Mr. Morton requested the city begin monitoring whether developments will in- <br /> crease the city's carbon footprint and along those lines, that the city create a rapid <br /> action plan, hopefully for 2030 so there is an interim goal that reduces the City of <br /> Roseville gases and to see whether or not developments of this size fit in that kind <br /> of plan. With the cost differentials right now, electricity is cheaper than gas, so it <br /> is not something that is more expensive for the developers to do. It is actually a <br /> long-term good investment for them. <br /> Mayor Roe closed the public comment as no one else wished to speak. He asked <br /> if the Council wished to delay action on this until the applicant arrives. <br /> There was no objection to postpone action. The Council continued with applicant <br /> interviews for the Planning Commission. <br />