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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 26, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> written in such a way that the city is legally defining the lot and the payment <br /> amount and then the city would want this final plat resolution recorded against the <br /> property to make sure it is on the record that this fee is paid at the time a building <br /> permit is given. Doing that doesn't come without a little bit of risk that the city <br /> might not get paid. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the park dedication is by code tied to the platting process and <br /> not the building process. <br /> Ms. Gundlach indicated that was correct. She explained if the Council is interest- <br /> ed the language staff proposed would say "prior to issuance of any city permits <br /> for development of Lot 1, Block 1, Fairview Avenue Addition, a dedication of <br /> cash in lieu of park land shall be paid in the amount of$508,000." This is a sub- <br /> stantial park dedication fee and her understanding is that one this large has not <br /> come forth in quite a while, which is why the developer is asking for this consid- <br /> eration. She noted just recording this resolution puts future owners on notice that <br /> this fee needs to be paid before development and staff would also make sure the <br /> development agreement that is coming forward on September 16th very clearly <br /> states that if the developer wants TIF assistance, this fee has to be paid. Staff <br /> feels there are protections in place, but the Council should know this is not one <br /> hundred percent fail proof if something bad occurs and the developer walks away. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan explained the risk as he sees it is not necessarily between <br /> the city and this particular property owner. It arises if there is a subsequent owner <br /> who is not a party to that development who would want to contest this amount. <br /> That is where the elevated risk arises. There is going to be a risk due to dealing <br /> with the unknown. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked, as a stipulation of the development agreement, <br /> could the development agreement be worded in such a way that this portion of the <br /> development agreement would run with the title to the property and would not be <br /> released until the park dedication is paid, whether the property transfers or not. <br /> He wondered if it could be done through a deed restriction. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan thought that could perhaps work. <br /> Ms. Gundlach indicated the city's EDA attorney was waiting to hear what the <br /> Council's decision is on Reuter Walton's request and then staff would work with <br /> the attorney on how to craft the language within the development agreement. Ob- <br /> viously, if it is in the development agreement the applicant has probably moved <br /> forward with the project and is going to pay the park dedication fees. However, <br /> the city would not release any TIF payments until the city has the full $508,000 <br /> because a building permit is not going to be released until the $508,000 is paid in <br /> full. The development agreement has a certificate of completion so once the de- <br /> veloper is finished with the property, the city signs off on it. <br />