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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/26/2019 4:35:06 PM
Creation date
9/26/2019 4:35:00 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Publication Newspaper
Pioneer Press
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she was not really in support of this. She <br /> thought the whole thing was technically voluntary and a lot of education will be <br /> needed to teach people why this is needed. <br /> Mayor Roe explained when this first came up, he was not supportive of it and re- <br /> ally still is not, but there are a number of communities that do this, and those <br /> communities have a significant problem with issues and getting ahold of respon- <br /> sible owners. He was not sure if the city was at that point yet. He was less con- <br /> cerned about the privacy issue because the city does have the ability to make it <br /> nonpublic. <br /> Councilmember Willmus though the city already has things in place to deal with <br /> these types of issues, this goes a little beyond what is needed, and there would be <br /> significantly more staff time involved than what is needed. <br /> Mayor Roe asked if a motion is in order. <br /> No motion was made and so no action was taken. <br /> g. Discussion of Previously Paid Interim Use Fees by Real Life Presbyterian <br /> and Roseville Churches for Temporary Overnight Shelters <br /> Community Development Director Gundlach briefly highlighted this item as de- <br /> tailed in the Request for Council Action and related attachments dated September <br /> 9, 2019. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted in the Request for Council Action, staff talks about <br /> ways that "excess amount" could have been different and even on the page, the <br /> average was for the salary costs and not for wages and benefits and can be said <br /> that is an underestimate of the city's costs related to that. There is also talk about <br /> potential for additional public concern for an item that would take up additional <br /> staff time. His concern is the city get into a situation where it continually second <br /> guesses an amount that was paid in other circumstances and how does the city go <br /> through that process every single time. The council needed staff to look at the <br /> fees and historical things. He was reluctant to make a lot of changes in this cir- <br /> cumstance because of the precedent it sets. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte appreciated the work put into assessing this and thought <br /> the Council had been wanting to return some of the funds back to the churches <br /> and the Council will have to settle on something moving forward. <br /> Mayor Roe stated from his perspective, both because the Council said it would be <br /> looked at and because he thought this was a unique circumstance that does not <br /> come up all of the time, which is the notion that the city did not have a process in <br /> place so used a similar process the city had, which was an interim use. He noted <br />
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