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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 14 <br /> the council had agreed that it was not the right process and directed staff to come <br /> up with a better process and a significant cost difference in the application fees for <br /> those two processes. He thought the city would not necessarily be establishing a <br /> precedent that every single interim use would be looked at and what the cost is <br /> versus the fee. He thought this was a unique and specific circumstance and he <br /> would be in support of refunding perhaps more than the difference between the <br /> city's actual cost and what might be the suggested fee for the license. He sug- <br /> gested refunding $1,000 back. <br /> Roe moved, Willmus seconded, directing staff to refund $1,000 of the $1,775 of <br /> the interim use cost back to Real Life Presbyterian and Roseville Lutheran <br /> Churches. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Willmus explained when he first looked at this, he had a concern <br /> that the city might be setting a precedent but what is unique about this, is there <br /> was not a process in place at the time. He thought the factor here is the city com- <br /> ing up with a process that fits the need. <br /> Councilmember Etten understood this was an unusual circumstance and indicated <br /> he would support the motion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she would support the motion as well. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, Etten, Willmus, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None <br /> h. Appointment to the Planning Commission <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, appointing Tammy McGehee to the Plan- <br /> ning Commission for a term expiring March 31, 2020 and appointing Karen <br /> Schaffhausen to the Planning Commission for a term expiring March 31, 2021. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated with respect to Ms. McGehee he thought she <br /> had a very solid grasp with issues related to land use and does a good job of offer- <br /> ing a perspective on issues that often times a larger group may not have consid- <br /> ered. He thought that was a very valuable perspective to have on an advisory <br /> commission. <br />