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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 5 <br /> sources of funding that would come into play. He would like to know if there is a <br /> dollar amount that the city would have interest to be involved with the continua- <br /> tion of the Loop. NewTrax has reached out and set up a phone call with Mr. John <br /> Connelly with Roseville North Chamber of Commerce who is interested hearing <br /> what NewTrax has to talk about, knowing that there could be some businesses <br /> that would have interest to step up a little. He noted NewTrax understands the <br /> decision by the city that has to be made but feels as a company it is important <br /> enough to continue until the funds that are out there have been expended. <br /> Mr. Olson explained where the funding for this service has come from and indi- <br /> cated the businesses thought the funding would be annual. <br /> Mr. Mark Nichols, Roseville Community Health Awareness Team (CHAT), <br /> shared with the Council research that was done with other counties and cities in <br /> the area. <br /> Mr. Olson noted Washington County and Dakota County have a mobility manag- <br /> er within their government operations and Ramsey County does not. He ex- <br /> plained he was on two different transportation committees within Washington <br /> County and there are projects building circulator services within Washington <br /> County and within Dakota County as well. There is nothing in Ramsey County <br /> that would perpetuate and continue a program such as this, that is why it is diffi- <br /> cult not being represented by the county. <br /> Councilmember Willmus explained depending on what happens at the meeting, <br /> he would be willing to keep the door open and see what NewTrax would be able <br /> to bring forth in the future. He encouraged Mr. Olson to have conversations with <br /> Ramsey County and be as proactive on that front as possible. There is definitely a <br /> connection there that needs to occur. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she was open to continuing to learn. She was <br /> unaware of mobility managers that are in other counties and thought that the <br /> number of people not being able to get around in the community are only going to <br /> increase. If this is not the solution, the city is still going to be talking about this. <br /> She indicated she was very open to continuing to hear from NewTrax. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed he was open to future discussion. He asked where <br /> people are currently getting picked up as part of the current circulator route. <br /> Mr. Olson thought eighty to ninety percent of riders are coming from Lygblom- <br /> sten and the Heritage apartments. He thought it was important to note that while <br /> on a given week where there may be twenty riders, it is not always the same rid- <br /> ers. He thought the pool of riders was more than a week and over the course of a <br /> month or quarter, there are probably thirty to thirty-five different people who have <br />