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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2019 <br /> Page 6 <br /> ridden it at different times. The areas where there is no rider support is where <br /> there is lack of management efforts to promote ridership. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Ms. Sara Barsel <br /> Ms. Sarah Barsel stated without Mr. Scott Olson or Mr. Mark Nichols, none of <br /> this would have happened and they have knocked themselves out to make this <br /> program happen. The idea of the need for transportation and the issue of social <br /> isolation were identified when CHAT's precursor did the survey and then reiterat- <br /> ed again when the city had all of the discussions on public transportation. The <br /> needs have not gone away and part of what Mr. Olson and Mr. Nichols have tried <br /> to address is ridership. She thought part of the problem is ongoing, there is not <br /> consistent buy-in or cooperation from senior housing residences, so potential rid- <br /> ers do not know this service is there. She stated the same thing seems to happen <br /> with faith communities. Some Southeast Roseville groups came to the city when <br /> funding was first sought out and despite all of the issues of how the servicing <br /> should be redirected, these individuals never came through with anything substan- <br /> tive to help get riders or continue doing anything else. She thought the needs <br /> have not gone away, the question becomes how to find a viable way to address <br /> them and part of that, in her opinion, seems to be how the council puts some kind <br /> of pressure onto housing sites in order to provide awareness of resources for their <br /> residents. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated he appreciated all of the insight and thought on this and he <br /> thought the clear answer is that while this program was not a complete solution, it <br /> was a step towards a solution, an innovative idea, and still merits some kind of <br /> consideration from his part but needs to figure out how it goes forward. He noted <br /> he received information that the Roseville School District Shuttlebug may not be <br /> offered anymore in the city because of issues with funding versus ridership and <br /> brings about a potential for more NewTrax ridership. <br /> Mayor Roe thought as a city, he would be supportive of some level of support but <br /> did not know if it would be at the same level the city has been at. He stated there <br /> needed to be more partners in the mix, the county and more regional organizations <br /> are a key part of it. Potentially, from an operating point of view, one way to get <br /> the word to people is to bypass the gate keepers at the various buildings and may <br /> involve some expense to obtain an age specific mailing list in the geographical ar- <br /> ea. He did not know what the answer was for this. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with Mayor Roe and indicated the capital costs to <br /> find riders is a key point. He thought the council and staff needed to have more <br /> discussion around that first. He noted NewTrax is providing a much better finan- <br />