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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 23 <br /> Councilmember Groff thought that was interesting and wondered if all of the oth- <br /> er companies are under-estimating their amounts. <br /> Mr. Culver thought the other firms put too much value on the cost containment <br /> and were trying to hold the cost down more than LHB and LHB really felt strong- <br /> ly that if the city wanted a good master plan out of this and will be good for the <br /> city for the twenty-forty year time period then that is what the cost would be. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted the thing he does keep coming back to is the ex- <br /> perience scoring as those are of particular interest to him. When looking at what <br /> BKV has scored versus LHB and then the overall number, he is really struggling <br /> with that discrepancy in price, because even if BKB might come back and indi- <br /> cate an add-on, there is still significant room for that add between these two pro- <br /> posals. <br /> Councilmember Etten explained one of the things that is outlined in the LHB pro- <br /> posal is to provide five options to the city when done. He wondered if there was <br /> any fleshing out by BKV about what that company was going to produce to the <br /> city. He asked if it is one plan or multiple plans. <br /> Mr. Culver explained the RFP called out for up to five plans. He assumed BKV <br /> went up to five, but he felt that given the task and the narrative LHB had for their <br /> concept component of the proposal, he thought LHB was going to spend more <br /> time moving from draft concept one and two to ultimate final concept. He added <br /> there are three larger firms that submitted proposals, BKV, HKGI and LHB and <br /> staff all felt that those were all large firms that had done master plans for cities <br /> and had significant municipal, county and State experience. He did not think the <br /> city would get a bad product from any one of them, it is just a question of how <br /> good is that final product going to be and that is why staff put their necks out <br /> there on the highest priced one. If Council feels very strongly about going with a <br /> value-based proposal, then he was not going to disagree with Council. <br /> Councilmember Groff did not think he would be looking at this as just value <br /> based but he did not see enough difference between the firms and it is easy to go <br /> with LHB because the city has used them in the past and knows how that firm <br /> works. But, he was not convinced that it would be the best product in the end. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for the public comment, with no one coming <br /> forward. <br /> Willmus moved, Groff seconded, directing staff to negotiate a Professional Ser- <br /> vices Agreement for the Civic Campus Master Plan with BKV, Inc. <br /> Council Discussion <br />