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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Councilmember Willmus explained the scoring and looking at experience of pro- <br /> ject managers, etc. that carries significant weight with him. The projects as out- <br /> lined in BKV's proposal also carries significant weight and he agreed with Coun- <br /> cilmember Groff's comments that from time to time, bringing someone in to get a <br /> different perspective is a good thing. There is a significant differential in cost be- <br /> tween BKV and LHB and that is something that factors in but with that and look- <br /> ing at the other scoring, that is where he is really struggling to go with LHB. Al- <br /> so, part of that is knowing the experience the city had with WSB which he was <br /> not really excited about, so he was looking to go in a different direction. <br /> Councilmember Groff agreed with Councilmember Willmus and he did feel that <br /> stretching themselves would not be a bad thing for the city and also there is <br /> enough of a gap there where BKV could come back and request more money. He <br /> did not think that would be a stumbling block for him and he was also supporting <br /> them because he seen some of the projects and felt LHB is a lot more cookie cut- <br /> ter whereas BKV was more interesting and forward looking with their projects. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte wondered if the maker or seconder had some interest in <br /> making it contingent on an estimate of the engagement piece that is a secondary <br /> partner, noting the Council does not have that information. <br /> Councilmember Willmus explained from his perspective, it is something where <br /> the way the motion is worded there is not a cost to exceed number included and <br /> the expectation is staff would provide that and have that conversation so everyone <br /> is on the same page at that point. He did not see it as being $39,000; he saw it to <br /> be something less. <br /> Councilmember Groff agreed and thought at that point, the city would have a very <br /> specific proposal from that group and an easy decision to make. <br /> Mayor Roe asked for clarification of the motion and if it is for staff to enter into <br /> an agreement with BKV without necessarily knowing what the component is, <br /> does something need to come back to the Council for approval of that component, <br /> or how will that happen. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated he would like to see it come back and for this <br /> to be an action where the Council is recommending staff to go out and look to ne- <br /> gotiate a professional services agreement with BKV. When the numbers are fi- <br /> nalized, staff then comes back to the Council for discussion and approval and that <br /> is where the not to exceed number gets approved. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted he actually looked at the scoring and came up with <br /> some of the same conclusions that some folks down the dais have. In looking at <br /> the scoring, even if taking the dollar figures out, he agreed on the scoring. He al- <br /> so reviewed the proposals and was struck that BKV never mentioned Roseville af- <br />