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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 25 <br /> ter the first cover page. He thought it was a cookie cutter proposal that never di- <br /> rectly addresses what the city asked BKV to look at. BKV highlight people work- <br /> ing with the city's fire station and police station and to him, the proposal had <br /> nothing to do with what the city was looking for. Then hearing about the inter- <br /> view process really fleshed that out for him. This made him wonder if that dollar <br /> figure was solid because BKV has not thought through that process at all. He un- <br /> derstand the concerns with WSB and agreed that was not a great thing but he <br /> wanted to remind the Council that the last time there was not agreement with staff <br /> on a professional services contract was with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan when <br /> the Council pushed to have WSB so if that is the last time the Council contradict- <br /> ed staff on something, he thought it was funny as that it was not the best experi- <br /> ence. <br /> Councilmember Etten thought being able to look at both of the proposals and <br /> hearing staff's perspective in writing and in person that LHB has really spent <br /> more time and effort at this point to really think through what Roseville is going <br /> to need as outlined in their narrative. He would not support a motion for BKB <br /> because he did not think BKV had really thought through what it needs to do to <br /> help Roseville do well for this project. He also noted the city is not asking for an <br /> architectural concept but for a master plan so if the buildings are ugly, then that is <br /> a separate issue. <br /> Councilmember Willmus disagreed with that statement. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte indicated she was struggling with this because she also <br /> picked up on some of what Councilmember Etten pointed out that BKV being <br /> kind of a standard proposal. That being said, $91,000 is a lot higher than the oth- <br /> ers. She was trying to figure out what that additional engagement piece will be, if <br /> the contract would be closer to the $91,000, all things considered, and she did not <br /> know that. <br /> Councilmember Groff thought what the city would be doing is getting a proposal <br /> and would not be locked into it. If there was something in the next step that the <br /> Council did not like or if it was not fleshed out or not enough engagement, there <br /> is nothing to say the city needed to continue down that path. But the other thing <br /> he would say, is that LHB has worked with Roseville so much in the past so of <br /> course there is a lot of documentation in their files about the city and easier to put <br /> a proposal together for the city. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he appreciated and worked hand in hand with LHB <br /> so he is trying to separate that. LHB's description of their approach flushes out <br /> each piece of what the city asked for in the RFP and the BKV proposal does not <br /> do that. LHB paid attention to the RFP, addressed each item within the RFP, and <br /> directly mention engagement with involvement with neighbors and stakeholders. <br /> Those issues were not discussed until an add-on by BKV. If the city states that is <br />