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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2019 <br /> Page 26 <br /> important, staff highlighted that in the RFP, and LHB picked up on that and high- <br /> lighted that in their proposal, it tells him that not only does LHB know Roseville <br /> well but LHB understands what it is being asked to do. <br /> Mayor Roe asked staff in talking with BKV did BKV talk about how the process <br /> is kicked off and start the discovery part of the project, as to how BKB becomes <br /> informed about some of the things being talked about. <br /> Mr. Culver explained during the interview BKV did acknowledge that the pro- <br /> posal had language in there about the fire station that probably does not need to be <br /> a focus of this study since it is a relatively brand new fire station, however, it was <br /> pointed out that the fire station still needs to work with the rest of the campus and <br /> there still needs to be the operational efforts and cohesiveness between the differ- <br /> ent operations and having somebody with the specialty of the fire side can help <br /> make sure that is occurring as the city is looking at moving the different pieces <br /> around. BKV did a fair job of defending that but he agreed with Councilmember <br /> Etten regarding the deficiencies in BKV's proposal. He indicated LHB actually <br /> expanded on the RFP rather than just repeating it in their narrative. LHB does a <br /> very good job of talking about how the process is kicked off and such and BKV <br /> talked a little bit about that during the interview but did not really address it as <br /> well as LHB. <br /> Councilmember Willmus indicated when he saw that, especially with fire, it does <br /> play a role. Operationally it certainly does play a role and he did not take that as <br /> BKV redesigning the fire station. That is an important factor as well. The flow of <br /> the facilities that the city has constructed within the last three years is certainly <br /> something that needs to be factored in and he appreciated that. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte assumed that if she supported this motion today and <br /> staff comes back with information she is not comfortable with or a dollar figure <br /> that does not make sense, then she will not be supportive the second time around. <br /> Councilmembers Willmus and Groff agreed. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated one thing he would be concerned about going forward with <br /> BKB is having that up-front meeting with the Council, talking about the big pic- <br /> ture and almost another interview, which he assumed would be done with LHB as <br /> well. <br /> Mr. Culver noted both firms called that out in their proposals. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Groff and Roe. <br /> Nays: Etten <br />